Goodbye Gentle Giant
In an unexpected announcement last month, Liberty Flames Men’s Basketball Head Coach Ritchie McKay said center Evan Maxwell would be transferring at the end of the academic year.
Maxwell had a break-out season for the Flames, averaging 10 points and five rebounds per game after averaging just two points and one rebound per game the season before.
“Honestly, I was getting tired of feeling like a giant,” Maxwell said. “Look around me. I’ve got at least five inches on all but one of my teammates. That starts to get to you after a while.”
In addition to Maxwell’s height insecurities, he mentioned he would like to reunite with the man who recruited him.
“I have nothing against McKay, but he is no Dale Layer,” Maxwell said. “I don’t know exactly where I’ll be next year, but I do know who I’ll be with.”
Maxwell also talked about the pressures of playing in a powerhouse conference like the Big South.
“I don’t know if you noticed, but the Big South is loaded,” Maxwell said. “Radford, Coastal, Asheville — the list goes on and on. I thought this was supposed to be a mid-major?”
Even though Maxwell is transferring, he wanted the Liberty fans to be clear it was not their fault.
“I love Flames nation,” Maxwell said. “Especially that guy who jumps out of the box and screams all game. There is no better environment for college basketball than the Vines Center.”
Wherever Maxwell ends up, he will be greatly missed by the Liberty Flames, mostly because he was the only one who could get the ball when it got stuck between the rim and the backboard.
**Happy April Fools!