Since the start

Liberty continues Israeli support

Ever since Dr. Jerry Falwell founded Liberty University in 1971, the school has been a strong supporter of Israel. Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer spoke to students in Convocation Feb. 19.

Dermer began by thanking President Jerry Falwell and the Falwell family for their support of Israel over the years.

Address — Ron Dermer spoke in Liberty Convocation Feb. 19 about U.S. relations with Israel. Photo credit: Michela Diddle

Address — Ron Dermer spoke in Liberty Convocation Feb. 19 about U.S. relations with Israel. Photo credit: Michela Diddle

“It is crystal clear to me that your father (Dr. Jerry Falwell) has passed his devotion of Israel to you,” Dermer said.

Israel has been on a remarkable journey to restoration, Dermer said.

“Open the Bible and start reading from the book of Joshua, and you will learn how Jewish sovereignty began about 3,300 years ago as Joshua crossed the Jordan River and conquered the land of Israel and how our sovereignty continued under the leadership of towering judges, like Gideon and Deborah and Sampson,” Dermer said. “(In) the book of Samuel you can read about Saul, the first king of Israel and about that brave shepherd boy with the slingshot who became his anointed successor and made Jerusalem our eternal capital, threethousand years ago.”

According to Dermer, Israel has been on a path of restoration. The Israeli people have endured much suffering through events such as the Holocaust.

“We’ve always clung to the hope of restoring our sovereignty,” Dermer said. “Year after year, decade after decade, century after century, in country after country the Jewish people prayed three times a day to return to our land. … We continue to pray despite all the suffering we endured during our long exile.”

Dermer said the Jewish sovereignty has been restored to their land. Currently, Israel is excelling in all areas, Dermer explained. Israel has unique cyber capabilities, medical advancements, their people are responding to global disasters, participating in flourishing basketball teams, and there are many museums dedicated to preserving their history.

“Israel has continued to race ahead,” Dermer said.

Dermer emphasized the importance of supporting Israel.

At Liberty, the Stand with Israel club speaks up as a voice for Israel on behalf of the students.

“The Stand with Israel club was created to educate students about Israel and to provide opportunities for students to advocate on behalf of Israel on campus and on Capitol Hill,” senior Shelby Keith, president of Stand with Israel, said.

“The mission of Stand with Israel is to spread a love and passion for the nation of Israel and its people on this campus, as well as to enable students to get active and empower them to make their voices heard whether that be abroad, on Capitol Hill or in their community.”

Dermer concluded his speech by challenging students to recognize the threat militant Islamic groups are to people everywhere. He then asked the students whether they had the courage to help defeat
the Islamic threat.

Support — Dermer encouraged students to stand with Israel. Photo credit: Michela Diddle

Support — Dermer encouraged students to stand with Israel. Photo credit: Michela Diddle

“The best test of whether the world has that clarity and courage is whether it is prepared to support the country that stands on the front lines of this struggle,” Dermer said. “But I came here today to tell you that I am as confident as ever in Israel’s future. No matter if the world stands with Israel, Israel will stand.”

Keith agreed with Dermer’s speech and said his address perfectly depicted the reason why the Stand with Israel club exists.

“Israel has a direct impact on everyone’s lives,” Keith said. “When students realize how important Israel is to the world and their own life, they cannot help but support the state of Israel.”

Much of the student body was moved by Dermer’s presentation of Israel’s journey to restoration. Senior Micah Green said Dermer’s speech gave him a new outlook on what it means to support Israel.

“It was a privilege and a real honor to hear from (Dermer),” Green said. “He had a lot of good points to share about the current state of Israel and what he believes our society and the world misses based on what we hear from modern media.”

Dermer said he is grateful for Liberty’s continued support.

“I promise you that in the Middle East, steeped in darkness, we will continue to stand tall and proudly hold high the torch of Liberty,” Dermer said. “And I have no doubt that as we do, Liberty University will be right where it has always been, standing by our sides, standing for the truth, standing with Israel.”

FROST is news reporter.

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