Sarah Palin endorses Trump

Former governor’s endorsement could affect larger nomination process

Former governor of Alaska Sarah Palin formally endorsed GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump during a campaign stop in Iowa.

Palin’s endorsement is one of many coming from celebrities and politicians, including Jerry Falwell Jr., who have told the world whom they side with in advance of the primaries.

In an impassioned speech, Palin claimed Trump could be the only candidate who can combat ISIS and “make America great again.”

Primaries — Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump leading up to the Iowa caucus. Google Images

Primaries — Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump leading up to the Iowa caucus. Google Images

“He is from the private sector,” Palin said. “Not a politician. Can I get a hallelujah?”

Cheers from the Iowa crowd indicated a positive reaction from those present at the gathering. However, conservatives and liberals all over the U.S. had positive and negative thoughts regarding Palin’s endorsement.

“No one speaks better to the (evangelical) base than Sarah Palin,” tea party activist Scottie Hughes said.

“Much of Palin’s popularity with tea partiers and conservative activists comes from her willingness to be a strong voice for conservative principles, and sadly, today’s endorsement stands in direct contradiction to many of Palin’s own words over the years,” Independent Journal Review contributor Sarah Rumpf said.

The conversation now revolves around whether or not Palin’s support of Trump will help or hinder his campaign.

Palin rose to political prominence when she was selected to be Sen. John McCain’s running mate in the 2008 presidential election. However, studies reveal Palin’s entrance into McCain’s campaign hindered him more than it helped.

Choosing a seemingly unknown and unqualified individual for the position of vice president did not sit well with many voters. In addition, Palin’s no-nonsense rhetoric and fiery attitude cast a negative light on the Republican Party.

Since her entrance into the political spotlight, Palin has become the brunt of many jokes. Tina Fey’s Saturday Night Live skit poking fun at Palin is perhaps the most iconic parody of the former Alaska governor.

According to McCain’s daughter, Megan McCain, Palin brought “drama, stress, complications, panic and loads of uncertainty” to the 2008 campaign.

There are other factors that may indicate whether or not Palin is a help or hindrance to Trump’s presidential bid.

According to a Washington Post and Pew Research poll, a Palin endorsement of any Republican candidate in 2012 would not have made any difference for over 60 percent of the Republican voters.

With all of these factors against Palin, it seems impossible that her endorsement of Trump could be a positive contribution to the polls he never stops talking about. However, going into the Iowa caucus, Trump had a stable 5 percent lead in the Des Moines Register’s final poll.

The long-term impact of Palin’s endorsement has yet to be seen. Whatever happens throughout the nomination process, a high profile political supporter like Palin may help many Americans decide for themselves whether or not they too will vote Trump.

Young is an opinion writer.

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