One comment

  • I am greatly disappointed that your once fine institution has stooped to such a low level by having your esteemed leader, Jerry Falwell Jr., endorsing and singing the praises of the immoral and god-less Donald Trump. Unbelievable! If that is Christian leadership our country is in worse shape than I thought. Falwell Jr. will rightly deserve harsh criticism if Trump either wins the presidency or wins the R nomination and loses to the Democrats. The best candidate, Ted Cruz, is being ignored and forgotten by Christians who are enraptured by their new cult hero, Donald Trump. Yes, Donald, king of business bankruptcy filings, admitter of adulterous affairs, and “fine with Planned Parenthood.” He is the master of curse words, sexual innuendos, a boozer, and one who continually uses bullying in all areas of life. If he is this crude in public, imagine him in private. Millions who are all in for “buying” on Donald Trump will soon be facing buyer’s remorse. I and others will be saying, “I told you so.” It will be too late then. I still blame many of our country’s woes on those who voted for Obama and next I will blame the Trump-ites for their frenzied and impulsive madness in promoting this egotist.

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