No room left in the inn today

On-campus housing has already been filled for 2016 Commencement in May

As May approaches, many students are preparing for graduation. However, housing options are becoming harder to find for friends and family of graduates who would like to attend Commencement.

PACKED — Graduation housing on East Campus is full. Photo credit: Leah Seavers

Photo credit: Leah Seavers

The bad news continues for families who are hoping to stay in special housing provided by Liberty University. A quick search of the registrar’s Commencement page online shows that housing is sold out for the 2016 Liberty Commencement. The housing was first come, first served, and it went very quickly.

“On-campus Commencement housing filled up on January 28,” Lori Baker, associate registrar for operations, said. “We rented 200-plus East Campus apartments this year. The reservations opened on January 25, so we were at max capacity within about four days.”

There is still the option of renting a hotel or motel room for the occasion, but the closer to the university, the more likely that rooms that week have already been booked.

“At this point, I believe that Lynchburg is completely full for Commencement weekend,” Baker said. “On our Commencement website … there is a link for a PDF for Commencement weekend availability. We frequently call the hotels in the area and keep a list on this site with where we know that there are still rooms available. The last that we checked, there is still availability in Danville, Roanoke
and Charlottesville.”

There are many other hotels and motels within a few miles of the school, in nearby cities. Depending on how big a family is, there is always a chance that a room will open up nearby.

Some students have other options they are using to their advantage, including family member’s houses and their own housing, if they live close enough.

“My parents are coming into town for the Commencement,” senior Garrett Scott said. “We actually have an uncle who used to work for Liberty, and they are going to stay with him at his place. His house is only about six or seven miles away from the school, so it is very close and easy to get to. They are going to be getting here the day before the Commencement ceremonies.”

The only thing left for students who have their housing situation arranged is to finish out the semester so they can walk across the stage and receive their degree.

If a student is still without a place for their family to stay, it is still early enough in the semester where multiple hotels and motels nearby might have space open for small families. Checking in with Liberty’s Commencement page will provide details and updated information on many topics such as rooms.

“I also encourage graduates to follow us on our Commencement Facebook page at,” Baker said. “We frequently post updates to things such as housing availability (and) reminders, and we also do lots of giveaways during the spring.”

Mcquage is a news reporter.

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