Network lag fixed

IT enlarges Internet capacity

With a rapidly increasing population and a growing demand for more capable Internet, the Information Technology (IT) department at Liberty University has made steps to improve Internet speeds and account for the increased bandwidth usage.

According to the Liberty University News Service, the speed of the Internet has been increased by 150 percent since March 2.

Mark Norris, director of IT Operations, said before the change, there was an unequal balance between the demand for speed and the capacity for growth.

“The recent issues with Internet speed were related to the speed of demand outpacing the speed at which capacity was increased,” Norris said. “When the demand exceeds capacity, it appears to the student as slow response times on downloads and access to web sites.”

To fix these problems, IT added more Internet capacity.

“When the overall capacity and throughput of the on campus Internet pipes are sufficient, the student experiences seamless downloads and quick response times,” Norris said.

Norris said IT has increased the capacity to 3,000 megabytes in just seven years, which is an increase in capacity of more than 1,422 percent, an average growth of 203 percent per year.

However, this process takes time. According to Norris, the process leading up to this increase took planning well before it was implemented.

“Additional equipment was purchased to prepare for the Internet upgrade,” Norris said. “After that equipment was in place, the Internet was turned up for student access. Also, wireless access points (APs) were replaced with more powerful models, and the number of APs was increased across campus.”

Norris said that IT regularly monitors social media and HelpDesk calls to detect any potential issues that may arise. IT works both on an enterprise level and individually with students in order to solve these issues.

However, university officials say the population of residential students will continue to increase and future upgrades are already being planned.

“The next upgrade has already been planned, and infrastructure is being purchased to sustain even faster speeds and greater capacity,” Norris said. “This next upgrade doubles the size of the second Internet pipe and also adds a third pipe. Those improvements are expected to be in place when the students arrive in the fall.”

“At Liberty, we take great pride in providing our students with an atmosphere that is both conducive to their academic demands as well as to an enriching social and personal life,” President Jerry Falwell said. “Our IT Department works tirelessly to ensure students have reliable connectivity, trusted security and helpful support when needed. I am proud of the IT staff’s commitment to the students in making these upgrades and preparing the university for the future.”

FOLEY is a news reporter.

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