Letter to the editor

A call to action, asking students to remain informed on the Israeli state.

To the Editor:

Students at Liberty often hear that we live in this “bubble.” Now, whether the people saying this are referring to our Biblical beliefs or to the Vines Center, I cannot quite be sure, but when I do hear it, I cannot help but think of the one place that truly lives in a bubble: the nation of Israel.

The Iron Dome that surrounds Israel’s land has served as an effective military defense system against enemy missiles sent their way. Just this last summer, it deflected roughly 4,000 rockets targeted at its cities and people. But as the threats grow in strength and number, the bubble will only be able to handle so much.

On the morning of Feb. 3, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke before a joint Congress on the dangers of allowing the current negotiations with Iran to end with little to no sanctions or restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program.

“(The deal) doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb, it paves Iran’s path to the bomb,” Netanyahu said.

The implications of this are understood, especially for Israel, considering Iran’s past and current political state.

Look at either Testament and basically any book of the Bible and it is clear the Israeli land was, is and forever will be near and dear to God’s heart. Being the largest
Christian university on the planet, I think it is time to make this land and people group loved and valued by us as well.

But how can we do this? We can start by being informed both politically and scripturally on the issue. Take a few minutes every day to read a couple articles about it. Follow Israel-related twitter accounts. Trust me. Staying informed does not take much time, and it definitely will not be a waste.

A blind eye does not mean the problems cease to exist, nor does it mean the outcomes will not affect us. These decisions being made are ones that will affect the world. It is time we stop being silent, and it is time we start staying informed. It is time we stand with Israel and show our support.

Netanyahu said that even if no one comes to Israel’s aid, the people there are resolute enough to stand on their own. Well, Prime Minister Netanyahu, you don’t have to worry, because you will not ever stand alone. God stands with you, and I am asking the students of Liberty University to stand with you too.

Taylor LaForest
Sophomore at Liberty University

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