Campaign raises awareness

Liberty’s The Last Well chapter brings attention to the lack of clean water in Liberia

“How many lives do you want to transform?”

GALA — Students gathered for a banquet to support The Last Well. Photo credit: Ellie Fraser

GALA — Students gathered for a banquet to support The Last Well. Photo credit: Ellie Fraser

This is the question that Daniel Ethridge, the 10 Campaign director, asked fellow students.

The 10 Campaign was first envisioned last spring in a Liberty University classroom when Todd Phillips, founder and executive director of The Last Well, visited and spoke about his organization.

The Last Well was founded in 2008 with the mission of providing every person in Liberia access to clean drinking water, as well as sharing the gospel with every person served by 2020.

The 10 Campaign officially started March 18 and ended March 27 and held a Clean Water Gala Friday, March 20, during which Phillips spoke to 200 students at the sold-out event.

After Phillips’ speech, a group of Liberty students was inspired to start the 10 Campaign that works with The Last Well. The money raised by the 10 Campaign through social media and personal fundraising efforts go directly to The Last Well organization.

“Ten dollars is all it takes for one Liberian to get the gospel and clean water for the rest of (his or her) life,” Ethridge said. “That is what 10 (Campaign) is all about.”

Phillips said The Last Well is about more than just getting water to people. It has a greater purpose.

“This 10 Campaign that students have put together here at Liberty is driven by the reality of the Great Commission,” Phillips said “It’s driven by sharing Jesus. That’s what we’re about. And this water is simply a tool.”

Ethridge hopes all Liberty students will get involved.

“The 10 Campaign at Liberty University was created with a simple but profound goal. … One student: One life,” Ethridge said.

“Our goal is for every one of the 13,500 students at Liberty to transform the life of at least one Liberian with water and the gospel.”

Phillips explained why The Last Well chose Liberia and the progress the organization has made to date.

“We realized very quickly that the greatest physical need in this world right now, globally, is the need for clean water,” Phillips said. “The greatest need is water, and the worst place is Liberia.”

According to Phillips, 250,000 Liberians died in a civil war that lasted 14 years, but 300,000 have died in the last 11 years since the war has ended from water-borne illness.

In light of this, Phillips noted the end goal of the organization.

“Everyone in Liberia, border to border, every man, woman and child will be within a 15-minute walking distance of clean water,” Phillips said.

One well can serve up to 600 people, but Phillips said they are aiming to serve 400 people per well.

The Clean Water Gala was The 10 Campaign’s first event in support of The Last Well organization, but Liberty’s The Last Well team is hoping to make the gala annual.

Although the 10 Campaign is finished with an overall total of funds raised hitting $19,721, another campaign supporting The Last Well is in the works.

“We are so excited to announce that the 01 (or ONE) Campaign is a year-long campaign that will start over the next few weeks,” Ethridge said. “The vision is to have at least 365 people give up their birthdays in order to support the work of The Last Well.”

The 01 Campaign is for students to ask for donations toward The Last Well for their birthdays instead of receiving birthday gifts.

#OneBirthdayOneWell is the hashtag that the 10 Campaign will be using for students who want to keep up with the campaign progress.

Additionally, anyone can donate to The Last Well online at

FRASER is a feature reporter.

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