SGA passes bill for semester

The Student Government Association (SGA) of Liberty University gathered for the first session of the new year Tuesday, Jan. 27 to discuss this semester’s upcoming events, fundraisers and other activities. After an hour and a half of announcements, questions and heated discussion, the Supplemental Appropriations Bill was passed.

The Supplemental Appropriations Bill includes a list of the association’s budget, describing how much money will be given to each class, program, fundraisers or other events. The senate passed the bill with an amendment that removed the funding for two fundraiser events — Clean Water Week and the Final Formal.

The meeting began with the swearing in of dozens of new officers. SGA President Quincy Thompson then addressed the senate, welcoming new members and sharing his excitement and goals for the upcoming semester.

Thompson discussed the future of SGA, saying that a new student center with almost 7,000 square feet of space, offices and computer labs is currently in the works. The new building will be located in the back of DeMoss Hall, and an entire wing on the third floor of the building will be dedicated to the use of SGA and various clubs.

“They’ll have all sorts of computers (and) drawing tables for clubs to convene, and it will be accessed through cards,” Thompson said. “So all SGA members will have access to this office, probably around the clock. That’s very exciting to see.”

Thompson then welcomed up non-SGA member Daniel Ethridge, a senior at Liberty, to announce a fundraising event called “Ten,” which will take place over one week in March. Ten will seek to provide thousands of people in Liberia with clean drinking water while sharing the love of Jesus Christ with them.

Ethridge encouraged SGA members to get involved in this ministry, stating that goals for Ten are to raise enough money for 10 drinking wells and to reach more than 10,000 people with the gospel. All it takes is $10 for one Liberian to have clean water for his or her lifetime.

“(This) movement starts with you,” Ethridge said. “I need you to join me in that.”

Next, the class presidents and vice presidents gave updates and laid out their plans for the semester. Events such as an Easter egg hunt for families with disabilities, the Final Formal, Ten week and many others were all addressed.

Jonah Aspergren, committee chairman for campus concerns, expressed his thankfulness for SGA and how the association allows the student body as a whole to speak to administration.

“I’m very excited,” Aspergren said. “It’s going to be fun to see what the year has in store for us.”

The Student Government Association Senate meets six times throughout the semester on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. in DeMoss Hall 1114. Meetings are open to all students. For more information about SGA or upcoming events and fundraisers, visit

RITTER is a news reporter.

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