“No man can be great for God who has not first been great with Him.”

These words spoken with passion and deep conviction by Mattie Montgomery, lead singer of For Today, echoed throughout Vines Center during this week’s Convocation. A man whose selfish ambitions built a kingdom for himself rather than for God, Montgomery shared how he had been seeking personal, worldly greatness rather than seeking God. He realized he was preaching, teaching and singing from selfish motives rather than honoring, loving and serving God wholeheartedly.



Montgomery reminded us that the Father is already pleased with us. We don’t have to try to earn his love — it is abundant and constant regardless of what we do or do not do for him.

Friday, Mark Burnett, CEO of United Artists Media Group and well-known television producer, shared a sneak peak of his new television series A.D. Burnett and his wife, Roma Downey, are known as the noisiest Christians in Hollywood. However, their unshakable faith is alive and well as they continue to boldly and courageously share the gospel message through cinematography with a lost and desperate world.

Both Montgomery and Burnett are highly visible people, living under the blaring spotlight of public scrutiny and yet both have chosen Jesus over all worldly pursuits and promises.

Is that your desire? Is it mine? Do we long to bring honor and glory to God regardless of the cost? Or are we simply striving for man’s acceptance and praise?

We cannot be great for God unless we have first been great with Him. My prayer is that my life and yours would be a living example of what it looks like to know and love Jesus. That we would cast aside all worldly pursuits and serve him wholeheartedly.

Let us choose to be faithful in whatever God has called us to whether serving in the spotlight or the shadows. In all this he goes before us and will be with us, giving us everything we need for life and godliness.

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