Republican Party

Bob Goodlatte, a Republican, is the incumbent running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in Virginia’s 6th Congressional District.

Goodlatte, 62, is seeking a 12th term after first being elected in 1992. Since then, Goodlatte has won each of the elections by a wide margin, according to, a publication focused on news from Capitol Hill. His smallest margin of victory came in the 2008 election, when he received 25 percent more votes than his closest opponent.


After serving as the district director for former Congressman Caldwell Butler in the 6th District from 1977 to 1979, Goodlatte formed a private law practice. He worked there two years before becoming a partner in another law firm, his website states. Goodlatte worked at that firm until he took office as a congressman.

Goodlatte currently serves as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. According to his website, Goodlatte’s position in the committee is a good fit for many of his legislative priorities, such as protecting Constitutional rights, immigration reform, decreasing health care costs, and ensuring the integrity of the executive and judicial branches.

As chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Goodlatte also played a role in the lawsuit filed against President Barack Obama for failing to consistently execute laws, according to Goodlatte.

Another of Goodlatte’s priorities includes better management of the federal budget, as evidenced by his proposed Constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget, according to his website.

Goodlatte also serves on the House Agriculture Committee and is a member of the Subcommittee on Livestock, Rural Development and Credit, and the Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight and Nutrition, according to his website.

Goodlatte is currently the co-chair of the Congressional Internet Caucus and the Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus, chairman of the House Republican Technology Working Group and a member of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus.

Goodlatte holds a law degree from Washington and Lee School of Law and a bachelor’s degree in government from Bates College. Goodlatte is married to Maryellen, his wife of more than 35 years. They have two adult children, Jennifer and Rob.

Q: Why should a college student vote for you?

A: You are the future of this nation, and I am committed to ensuring that college students have a secure economic future and the opportunity for gainful employment. The enormous debt that we are accumulating today is unsustainable and will rest on the shoulders of today’s youth. I am working to curb federal spending and have introduced legislation requiring a balanced federal budget. I also support policies that will enable employers to create jobs, grow our economy, and remain competitive in the increasingly global
playing field.

Q: What, if any, legislation could be considered to give religious institutions, such as Liberty University, the right to be exempt from federal mandates that violate their conscience?

A: The Health Care Conscience Rights Act, which I have co-sponsored, would permit health plans to decline coverage of specific items and services that are contrary to the religious beliefs of the sponsor, issuer or covered individual. The issue of health care related conscience rights transcends party affiliation. The decision to mandate that faith-based organizations be required to subsidize contraception services is an affront to our First Amendment rights as Americans to freedom of religion, which is something we all should care about.

Q: What plans do you have or support to help alleviate student loan debt while simultaneously ensuring quality higher education?

A: Education is a valuable investment into your future. It is important that we allow for competition and diversity within our higher education community and do not attempt to rate or place costly one-size-fits-all mandates on our colleges and universities. Student loan debt is high and we need to continue to look for ways to remove government bureaucrats from the student loan equation.

Q: What is your position on abortion?

A: As a member of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, I firmly believe that life begins at conception, and I strongly oppose using our tax dollars to pay for abortions. We must speak for those who cannot speak for themselves and allow them the fundamental human right to be born into this world.

Q: With the recent spread of terrorism, particularly ISIS, how do you think the U.S. should respond?

A: I am deeply concerned by the so-called Islamic State’s expansion and the imminent threat it poses to our national security. Like all Americans, I was appalled by the series of horrific videos by ISIS showing the brutal executions of several hostages, including American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff. These atrocious acts of terror against Americans and our allies cannot and will not be tolerated. The United States must work with the international community to eradicate ISIS before it becomes a global threat. By weakening terrorist networks overseas, we reduce the likelihood that they will successfully launch attacks on U.S. soil.

Q: What are your thoughts on the use of executive action?

A: Our Constitution is clear: Congress writes our laws, the judiciary interprets them and the president enforces them. However, President Obama has repeatedly waived, amended or ignored our laws when he doesn’t agree with them. We cannot allow President Obama, or any president, to ignore the constitutional limits on executive power. As chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, I have held hearings to further examine this issue and supported measures that would keep this executive overreach in check and restore balance. The House has also authorized a lawsuit against President Obama’s failure to faithfully execute the laws. President Obama may have his pen and his phone, but we have the Constitution, and we must abide by it.

Q: What are your top three priorities concerning congressional legislation?

A: Restoring confidence in America’s economic future by tackling the out of control federal debt through a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; pro-growth, pro-jobs policies that promote competition and innovation, encourage domestic energy production, and remove costly, over-burdensome regulations, including the repeal of Obamacare; protecting the constitutional principles of limited government, states’ rights and individual liberties enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

Q: What separates you from other candidates?

A: I have the proven leadership experience needed to effectively represent Liberty University and the people of central Virginia and have shown through my accomplishments that I have the competence to conduct the people’s business with results. I live up to the high ethical standard of conduct that is rightly expected of elected officials. I take that responsibility very seriously and support efforts to hold accountable those public servants who violate that trust. And finally, I embody the conservatism required to protect the common sense family values represented by the hard-working citizens of central Virginia and all of the 6th Congressional District.

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