Donahue killed in action

Fallen soldier leaves a legacy
Maj. Michael Donahue, 41, a paratrooper in the 18th Airborne Corps and a former Liberty University professor, was killed in action Tuesday, Sept. 16, after a Taliban car bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan, according to the Fayetteville Observer.
The Fort Bragg soldier was an operations support officer with C Company, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, a news release stated.
“The Dragon Family has suffered a great loss today, and we would like to express our deepest condolences to the Donahue family,” Lt. Col. Gabriel Barton, Donahue’s battalion commander, said. “Maj. Michael Donahue was an exceptional officer and a huge part of our team and our family. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends during this difficult time. We will never forget him.”
Donahue enlisted in the Army in 1996 before being commissioned through Officer Candidate School in 2000, according to the release.
Following two combat tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq, Donahue served as an assistant professor of military science as he worked with Liberty’s Army ROTC program of 130 cadets and cadre from 2008 to 2010, Donahue’s LinkedIn page states.
Maj. Bob Foy, who supervised Donahue as chair of the Army ROTC department during Donahue’s stint at Liberty, said Donahue leaves behind an enduring legacy.
“Mike was really just an amazing officer and an amazing man in every way — spiritually, physically, and intellectually,” Foy said in a Liberty University News Service article. “He was always positive, always there for the students. He had a huge impact on the students in the program.”
Donahue was also a graduate of Liberty, having completed his master’s degree in education in 2010 and an educational specialist degree in 2012, according to his LinkedIn account.
Steve Troxel, a close family friend who worked with Donahue at his church near Fort Bragg, explained the impact of Donahue’s death.
“Out of all the people we would’ve wanted to come home safely, … he was at the top of the list,” Steve Troxel said. “It’s kind of a shock, just because it’s such a great loss to everybody who knew him and everybody who would have gotten to know him, because he was just a fabulous guy.”
Steve Troxel also spoke highly of Donahue’s character.
“Whatever he did, he did full out, to the best of his ability,” Steve Troxel said. “… He probably had as much potential and talent as any individual I ever met. … He was a guy you could always count on. Once he became your friend, he was a friend for life. … His actions defined the term friend.”
Steve Troxel’s son, Michael, who is also a graduate of Liberty, echoed his father’s sentiments.
“You cannot understand how big of a loss this is unless you knew him,” Michael Troxel said.
According to Steve Troxel, Donahue was only weeks away from coming home and retiring to become a teacher. Steve Troxel said that while Donahue’s family and friends are grieving, they are able to take comfort in knowing that Donahue was a Christian.
“We know for a fact that Mike is in heaven,” Troxel said.
Donahue is survived by his wife, Sherri, who is also a graduate of Liberty, and their children Victoria, Seamus and Bailey.
BROWN is the editor-in-chief