Breaking News: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal to Speak at Liberty Commencement

Liberty University officials announced today that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal will speak at the school’s 41st Commencement Saturday, May 10, and author Eric Metaxas will speak at the Baccalaureate service Friday, May 9.



Now in his second term as governor, Jindal has worked since his 2008 inauguration to improve his state’s economy, health care and employment record, among other things.

“Governor Bobby Jindal has lived the American dream, rising from humble beginnings to become one of the rising stars on the national political scene – and his rise has not yet waned,” Liberty President Jerry Falwell said. “Many believe he could hold the highest office in the land someday. I believe he will be an inspiration to our graduates, not only because of his life’s story, but because he shares many of the conservative and Christian values that Liberty University graduates hold dear.”

Metaxas, author of New York Times bestseller, “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy,” has previously spoken at Liberty Convocation.

“Liberty University is proud to welcome Eric Metaxas to address our 2014 graduating class,” Falwell said. “He will continue the long tradition of distinguished evangelical leaders who have participated in Liberty’s graduation ceremonies.”

Commencement will take place in Williams Stadium at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 10, and the Baccalaureate service will be held in the Vines Center at 6 p.m. Friday, May 9.

One comment

  • Thanks for the update, Greg. This is an interesting choice for speaker. I can’t say I’m surprised by it. Jindal’s politics are about as Falwellian as they come. And if memory serves he’s Catholic, which falls in line with our recent trend of not selecting mainstream Protestant/evangelical Christians.

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