From the desk

This is my last solo “from the desk.” Time has flown by. It seems like just yesterday I was writing about my little SUV maneuvering through campus to find a far away parking spot.


Now, I write from a different place.

Parking is no longer our biggest dilemma. Politics, of course, have overshadowed that — by far.

Commencement, local elections and wedding plans consume my time and attention. Before I was just a college senior, but now I am approaching the unknown world of the college graduates.

With all I have learned during my time at Liberty, I thought it fitting to leave you with my most critical revelation.

Some people say “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you have until you take a bite,” but I think there is another way to look at it.

Have you ever wondered why you are always disappointed when you take a bite out of that mysterious piece of chocolate? Well, maybe it is because you were already anticipating what flavor that chocolate was going to be.

That is my revelation. It took me four years to get there — but it happened.

The way you look at life, and impending situations, will directly alter the way you perceive reality.

When we encounter situations, we automatically judge their outcome. We apply for jobs and anticipate failure or success — not taking a moment to simply see it as it is.

Opportunity comes in different shapes and flavors. If we waste our lives only enjoying the chocolate-covered caramel, we will miss all there is to learn from the strawberry, raspberry and mystery flavors.

What I am trying to say is this: Don’t waste your life living for one chocolate in the 50-count box — you just might be surprised by what the other 49 hold.

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