From the desk

Journalism is all about controversy — especially when we are talking about opinion articles. Our job as journalists is to present the news and, in some cases, present our opinions on current events.


This past issue of the Champion featured an opinion article, written by a student, regarding a very controversial topic — voting.

You may say that voting is not controversial and that everyone should just do it. Well, I agree with you there, but when we bring into play politics and opinion there are going to be some disagreements.

Opinion writing is about getting people to think. We, at the Champion, want people to read our content and develop their own arguments.

Voting, in my opinion, is vital to the longevity of our nation. If a person decides to wave their constitutional right to have a say about what happens in our nation, then so be it. But, I do not agree.

As I stand, I would rather have any of the “not-so-great” Republican candidates sitting in the Commander in Chief chair than the current President. Therefore, I will sign my name to their ticket.

It is not about finding a perfect candidate — that is a fairytale longing that simply will never come true.

The only perfect leader is Jesus Christ, and until the day comes that he reigns and rules over all the earth, we will be forced to choose from the candidates he allows to run for President.

Daniel 2:21a says, “He changes times and seasons, he deposes kings and raises up others.”

God knows what he is doing. Regardless of what we think of the candidates, God already knows the outcome he has ordained.

It is our duty as Christians, Americans and followers under an imperfect leader to utilize our right to vote in a way that favors the principles of God.

We are responsible for the blood of the unborn who are slain if we choose to sit idly and allow America to elect a President in favor of abortion. We are responsible for condoning the sinful actions committed through the passing of same sex marriage laws.

We are responsible.

A letter to the editor was written regarding this opinion piece, and in it a great point was made.

In Matthew Jesus tells the parable of the talents. Specifically, the man with the one talent who hid it as to not make any wrong choice or lose what he had. When his master returned to see what he had made of the talent, he told him he had buried it to keep it safe. He had set it aside, waived his right to use it, and let it gain nothing.

The master was furious. He took what the man had and gave him nothing in return.

God has given us the right to vote. We are called to use it as best as we can, to further his kingdom.

Just because you think there is nothing amazing to say doesn’t mean you cut out your tongue. Just because there is nowhere you see fit to go, you do not cut off your legs.

We are all entitled to our opinions. But, as editor in chief of the Liberty Champion I would like to say we do believe voting is important and beneficial. We also believe articles such as Nate Brown’s spur on conversations that, in the end, make us stronger.

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