Student wins national competition

Public relations senior Keri Cook wins first place at PRWeek Student of the Year competition in New York City

Senior public relations major Keri Cook won first place at the PRWeek Student of the Year competition in New York City, March 1.

Winner — Cook’s marketing campaign won first place. Photo provided

“In my Public Relations Strategies class last semester, Dr. Widgeon asked each of us to create a comprehensive integrated marketing communication campaign from scratch,” Cook said. “The client was Ford. I conceptualized, researched, designed and wrote a complete campaign that included objectives, research summary, creative strategies, tactics and an evaluation plan.”

Over Christmas break, Cook received an email from a representative of PRWeek telling her that her campaign was one of the top five in the nation.

“I was shocked when I got the email,” Cook said.

According to Widgeon, Keri works hard in and out of class.

“Keri is an amazing student. She actually invests in her own future through hard work, dedication and professionalism,” Widgeon said. “She is active in professional organizations and strives to be God’s best at everything she does. She is truly a Champion for Christ and a joyful, talented representative of Liberty University.”

Along with other students from prestigious schools such as American University and LaSalle, Cook was flown to New York City to present her campaign to a panel of judges.

“I wanted to develop a campaign that spoke to every member of the millennial target market, so instead of just lumping them together I broke the market into four subcategories and tailored my PR efforts directly to each group,” Cook said.

Representatives of Ford and H&K Strategies judged her on her creativity, research and presentation skills.

After returning home from her trip to New York City, Cook was notified that her campaign was selected to be in the top two. She traveled back to New York City where they announced her as the winner. Since Cook has won first place, she will receive $5,000 and an internship at Hill and Knowlton. She will also be featured in the April issue of PRWeek, a weekly magazine about the public relations industry.

“I am very proud of her, but I am not surprised by her accomplishments. I am honored to have played a small role in her success, and I cannot wait to see how the Lord will bless her and use her for His kingdom in the future,” Widgeon said.

According to Cook, meeting the other contestants was an amazing experience.

“They come from some of the best schools in the country. Knowing I was right there with them, representing Liberty University, was an awesome realization,” Cook said. “We bonded instantly because we all have a passion for the industry.”

Cook is the Liberty University Chapter President of Public Relations Student Society of America.

“This (opportunity) to me was an encouragement and blessing that God is guiding me on this path and wants me in the industry for a reason. My life goal is to use whatever platform God gives me to make Him known, ” Cook said.

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