Dueling with duct tape

Long distance — An archer prepares to shoot his foe from the other side of the field. Another student prepares to take a break as his time to battle has not yet come. Photo credit: Kate Schoener

Liberty’s Sword Fighting Club battles with handmade weapons every weekend, rain or shine

Each weekend on the grass field next to dorm 28, the Liberty Sword Fighting Club (SFC) dukes it out with handmade foam swords, daggers, katanas, clubs and more. Playing group games and sparring matches, the SFC meets every weekend to hone their technique and have fun.

According to sophomore and SFC council member Sean Cordani, SFC was started about six years ago by two Liberty students and since then, has increased in member size, eventually adding a council.

In rain or shine, extreme cold or humidity, the club still meets.

“We fought in the snow, we fought in the rain,” Junior Sabrina Hardy said. “We rarely cancel meetings.”

Each meeting starts out with a devotion from the club Chaplain James Genter and a time for prayer requests. After this, group games take place such as “Rise of the Dead,” “Zombie” and team-based sparring matches.

New group members are required to go through a small safety course that includes a rundown of the group rules with the council. No metal or wood weapons are allowed, and a person can never hit above the collarbone or hit others with too much force. After a sparring session with a council member to confirm the member is ready to play, they are free to participate in games with the group.

Battle — When students get stabbed, sliced or hit, they “lose” that limb and must continue to fight. Photo credit: Kate Schoener

On average, around 20 people show up to SFC every weekend. During College for a Weekend (CFAW), that number increases.

According to Cordani and Hardy, 50 people showed up for a session during CFAW weekend last year, many of them CFAW visitors.

“We love when people just come out and we love to show them the ropes,” Cordani said. “The more the merrier.”

Senior Katherine McKenzie has been coming to SFC for the past two years and appreciates the comradery within the club the most.

“Just having a common bond with all the members and being able to see them on campus and talk about anything is great,” McKenzie said. “Even though we beat on each other, there’s a special bond. It’s a group, a brotherhood.”

Freshman Benjamin Beck found out about the club through Hardy and McKenzie and has been coming to SFC since Fall 2011.

“I get a lot of exercise out of the club, to say to the least,” Beck said. “The club is just a lot of fun. It’s just awesome to be out there in the cold shivering with your friends and beating them up with foam swords.”

“We vanquish people in the name of Jesus,” Hardy said. “That’s basically the club motto.”

Anyone interested in participating in SFC, regardless of experience level, is encouraged to check out the Facebook page at facebook.com/lusfc to be up-to-date on club meetings.

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