Sounds of Liberty in Florida

Liberty University music group performs before Republican debate in Orlando

Sounds of Liberty performed in Orlando, Fla., at a pre-debate party for the GOP presidential debate on Sept. 22. The pre-debate party was covered and hosted by Fox News and the Florida Republican Party and was sponsored by the Faith and Freedom Coalition.

The Faith and Freedom Coalition’s missions statement says, “We believe that the greatness of America lies not in the federal government but in the character of our people — the simple virtues of faith, hard work, marriage, family, personal responsibility and helping the least among us. If we lose sight of these values, America will cease to be great.”

The Republican debate was available on Live Blog through Fox News. The nine participants included Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.

Sounds of Liberty performed in between each candidate’s speech, presenting seven songs total, for the presidential candidates, politicians and dignitaries.

Sounds of Liberty is a traveling ministry team created through Liberty University. This musical group is made up of six vocalists, a five-piece band and an audio technician. They travel to various churches and organizational events in America.

“It’s such an incredible opportunity to perform for presidential candidates and to be able to represent Jesus Christ and Liberty University,” lead singer Lorenzo Jackson said on PRWeb.

Director of Ministry Teams at Liberty Scott Bullman said in an interview from PRWeb that he is excited about this opportunity to gain national exposure for Liberty University.

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