Deep Hollow dares runners

Ready to run — Runners will get to enjoy the scenic Liberty Mountain Trail System in a few weeks during the Deep Hollow Half Marathon. The race gives students and local community members the chance to challenge themselves and meet other runners. File photo
A starter pistol goes off, and the feet of runners hit the ground one after the other as they run down the dirt trails of the Liberty Mountain Trail System. Wind brushes against the face of each contestant, and each step is a step closer to the finish. This is the scene likely to play out as runners complete the 13.1 mile run best known as the Deep Hollow Half Marathon.
The race will take place Oct. 15 at 8 a.m. In hosting the marathon, Student Activities focuses on creating a shared community between students and local residents who desire to participate in a rewarding opportunity that is not primarily focused on winning or losing, but on achieving.
Many of the contestants who are involved in the race not only have a passion for running, but have a personal goal in mind to test their ability to finish a marathon. Senior Rodney Campbell began training for the Deep Hollow Half Marathon last month. After making the decision that training for the marathon was going to require time and dedication, he began preparing himself with twice a week routines.
“I began conditioning myself to be able to run 13.1 miles by running 3 miles without stopping. As weeks progressed, the miles I ran also progressed,” Campbell said. Campbell also said that training for the marathon was a great opportunity for him to practice with others and be able to push one another to continue and not give up.
Although the Deep Hollow Half Marathon is for more experienced runners, participants with less experience have the chance to run in the 5k trail race, which is 3.1 miles long. The 5k trail race starts at 8:10 a.m. and even though it is a shorter course, it can still pose as somewhat of a challenge for people that are less experienced.
Even though there are not any qualifications for participating in either race, runners are strongly advised to train before participating in the race due to the nature of the course. Medical Aid stations will also be set up throughout the different points of the marathon.
The cost of participation is separate between Liberty students and local residents. For the Deep Hollow Half Marathon, Liberty students have a pre-registration fee of $20. The general public pre-registration fee is $30. Pre-registration for the 5k will cost Liberty students $10 and the general public $15.
Refreshments will be served to participants. For more information about the Deep Hollow Half Marathon, contact Student Activities at (434) 592-3061 or email Student Activities at