Awakening Conference returns

Spreading the passion — Building upon last year’s program, Liberty University welcomes Awakening 2011 to inspire students and guests to take action and get involved in the political process.

Freedom Federation sponsors Awakening

That’s the theme of the Awakening 2011, an upcoming conference sponsored by the organizations that are part of the Freedom Federation which seeks to bring together people from every race, ethnicity and generation to integrate faith and public policy.

The event is open to the public and will take place at Liberty, April 8-9. According to Law School Dean Mathew Staver, the Awakening 2011 comes at a crucial time in America as participants will be encouraged to stand up for their core Christian values in the public forum.

“The Awakening is not a typical conference. It is a celebration and a time to be inspired and encouraged to take our Christian values into the community as we raise our voices across racial, ethnic and generational lines,” Staver said.

“God is doing something unique in America right now. The year 2012 is so critical for the future because we are in a battle for the direction of America,” Staver continued. “We’re seeing a clash of worldviews and values. We can choose to participate or be silent. If we choose to be silent, we’re choosing to simply not engage and to let evil triumph.”

The event will feature more than 50 national speakers including political leaders such as former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and Congressman Tim Price. However, Staver said that the Awakening is more than a political event.

“There’s going to be something for everyone,” Staver said. “The Awakening is more of an experience than an event that brings together faith and public policy in one package. We celebrate our faith and also talk about how our faith can impact various areas of life.”

Junior Amanda Haas attended last year’s Awakening conference and said that even though it has political elements, the Christian aspect of the event sets it apart.

“It’s Christian based, and they keep God at the forefront of everything. Everyone speaking is integrating faith and freedom and has a Christian worldview. If you’re a Christian and concerned about (something), you can (come and) hear about it from speakers with the same worldview,” Haas said.

After attending and speaking at last year’s Awakening event, Liberty alumnus Matt Mihelic said that he was encouraged by how many students left changed.

“I became very encouraged by the students around me who recognized the Christian responsibility in our civil society by bringing an eternal perspective to the pressing dilemmas of our time,” Mihelic said. “Since society must reflect the Truth of God, it was cool to see young people becoming passionate about societal issues.”

In addition to hearing from speakers, event attendees will also be able to go to movie showings. Movies such as “Maafa 21”, “Courageous”, the “Rise and Future of the Conservative Movement”, and “The Potential Inside”, seek to inspire and inform viewers of Christian life and social issues.

Much of the event is comprised of 15 different breakout sessions which will cover a wide range of topics including abortion, child prostitution and sex trafficking, Sharia Law, the economy and the media. Not only will attendees be educated on the issues affecting America today, but a huge part of the conference will be encouragement and mobilization.

“We don’t want people to come away from any of the events just being further educated,” Staver said. “We want them to be encouraged that they can do something positive and give them how-to’s on how they can be mobilized together to advance our core values.”

The Awakening 2011 will begin on April 8 during convocation with Lila Rose who became famous with the shocking undercover videos taken in Planned Parenthood clinics. The conference will conclude on April 9, Saturday night, with what organizers are calling a “New Revolution Celebration.” Staver believes this time, which will feature a concert by Sonic Flood, will be the highlight of the two day event.

For more information and to reserve a free ticket for the Awakening 2011, go to

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