Science professor expelled

Over a hundred students piled into the classroom Thursday evening to hear the story of Dr. Caroline Crocker’s scientific expulsion and to attempt to grasp the meaning of scientific integrity.

“Science is about exploring and finding the truth — if you fail to question every theory you fail to find the absolute truth,” Crocker said. “If it’s true, it will still be true — even after you think about it.”

Striving for a higher understanding of scientific methodology and function, Crocker earned her B. S. of microbiology and virology from the University of Warwick, U.K, her M. S. in Medical Microbiology from the University of Birmingham, U.K, and her PhD of Immunopharmacology from the University of Southampton, U.K.

Having a passion for science, and the ability to provoke young minds, Crocker became a professor at George Mason University (GMU).

However, this is where her story of expulsion begins.

“I encouraged my students to think, and to think critically,” Crocker said.

According to Crocker she never told her students what to think — she never mentioned that Intelligent Design (ID) might be an alternative. She simply allowed the students to open their minds to the possibility of flaw in the evolutionists thinking.

After having a successful year at GMU she was shocked to find that her contract had been decreased to only one-year from her previously signed and held three-year contract with the university, Crocker recalls.

“I later found that it was all based on one student’s claims that I taught ID instead of evolution — which I never did,” Crocker said.

In her book, “Free To Think: Why Scientific Integrity Matters,” Crocker goes into detail about the events surrounding her expulsion and eventual blacklisting.

“I would apply for a job and spot on they would tell me I got it. Then a few weeks later they would call and say they lost funding,” Crocker said on her being blacklisted.

Crocker has found a level of satisfaction and calling in her scientific expulsion — using her story as a catalyst for young minds to dare to think. She now travels to universities nation-wide to provoke students to scientific integrity.

“I’ve been blacklisted — expelled from science. Honestly? I wouldn’t change a thing I’ve done — and I will probably never make it off that list,” Crocker said.

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