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What If They Cancelled Christmas

Mustard Seed Chronicles: Story Time with LU Grandma

Mustard Seed Chronicles: Story Time with LU Grandma

In thinking about all the COVID-19 guidelines and all the restrictions that various authorities are telling us, including that we should consider not meeting for Christmas (and should not have met for Thanksgiving), what do we do?

I asked a lady at one of our local Walmart locations, “What would happen to your store if, for whatever reason, Christmas was outlawed because it’s based on Christian faith?”  She said, “Oh, they would never cancel Christmas.”

As I thought of her reply, I realized that they probably would not outlaw Christmas in the United States. Why not? Because it is so focused on secularism, materialism, and Santa Claus. Gifting to express one’s love is good, but not if the giver does it to feel better about themselves.

So, what are we as Christ-followers doing as we celebrate Christmas? What does the world see us doing? Yes, most of our families read the “Christmas Story” from Luke before opening presents, and we may have Christian carols playing in the background. I know our families have!

Truly, is it the trees, decorations, presents, music, snow, and the gatherings that fill us with joy? I confess, that my family has fully enjoyed all of these, too! Would we still be celebrating the birth of our Savior and all that it means, if all of the tinsel and trappings were taken away?

What might it look like and sound like for you and your family if Christianity was outlawed? It has happened in past societies. It has happened in China, the Soviet Union, and in some of the Middle Eastern countries.

Would we be filled with joy when getting our Bibles out of hiding to read the story again from Luke (if we were able to have a Bible)? If owning a Bible was not possible, have we read it enough times to recite it from memory?  Would we be so filled with heartfelt thanksgiving and praise for our Savior to lift his name in prayer, and that be satisfying? Could we sing carols about His birth instead of the seasonal songs?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your birth was so significant for the whole human race and yet the secular culture has cheapened it, and in many ways, ignored it. May we recommit today to remember You and celebrate You first and always!

Meet the Author

Timi Plyter

“LU Grandma”
Lead Parent Advocate 

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