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Preparing for August and the Nuts & Bolts for LDs

E/4:29 Parent-to-Parent series

Preparing for August

Whether you are a seasoned parent or a first-timer, the closer August gets the more those heart strings start working on your emotions.

If you’re already experienced with this, you probably have a routine that has gotten smoother with each year. However, if this is the first time, buckle up. There is a roller coaster of emotions speeding your way, full of ups, downs, and twisting turns. And yes, it really is possible to be excited and so happy for your student and five minutes later hiding in the bathroom until you can get the tears under control (like the whole summer!).

The Lord tells us: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6).

Preparing early helps reduce some unnecessary stress. It also helps keep your mind occupied with the task instead of wondering how in the world you are going to be able to actually get through this. If you are a list maker, it is your time to enjoy that skill. I had separate lists for bathroom supplies, coffee area, desk, clothes… You name it, I had the list (and happy to share if you need one). My girl also had WAY more stuff than she needed so pulling up to the Residence Hall that first time with a U-haul rental and the truck bed filled with more may have a been a clue. Remember, what goes in has to come out! Trust me with experience every year, you will downsize!

I’ve often been asked “How is it best to leave”? There is no one size fits all answer to that question because every family is different. You know your student best so do what works for YOUR family. Talk about it some before the big day. For some, the unload-and-go strategy works. Many prefer to stay a day or so, not to be in the way, but for the inevitable Walmart/Target run. Your student may enjoy going out to eat or for ice cream with new friends. While your Flame is making new friends there is plenty for you to see and do in the area. (I have a list for that too! HAHA!) The first few days before classes start are important for them to meet hallmates and getting comfortable in new surroundings, and you don’t want to interfere with that. Please know there is no shame in what you decide. Remember, every family is different.

My husband and I both grew up in the Lynchburg area but haven’t lived there since we got married in 1984. All our families are still there so it was great for us to be able to visit with them while our daughter got settled. (Fun fact: My husband worked to build some of the early dorms while he was in high school during the summer in the late 70’s.)

One thing I would really like to encourage you to do is talk to your student about if they see someone sitting alone or kind of left out to please go talk to them or invite them to hang out. Some people don’t make friends easy or don’t naturally “fit in”. This little act of kindness can have a huge impact on that person and change things for the better for them.
Moms and Dads this scripture may help comfort you as you finalize your lists and get ready for Move-in Day with your student: “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them” (Psalm 126:5-6). Wanda B. Graduate

Parenting a Child with Learning Differences, Part 2: The Nuts & Bolts

When we dropped our daughter with learning differences (LDs) off at LU, we helped her decorate her dorm room, made sure ODAS had her documentation so she could get accommodations, and then sort of left her to sink or swim (prayerfully, of course!). What were we thinking?! Even students without LDs struggle academically as they transition to college. By the middle of the first semester, she barely had her head above water and I spent fall break weekend helping her figure out how to save the semester. Since then, we have developed some strategies that have helped us give our daughter freedom, but with some guardrails that keep her on track to academic success:

  • Limit credits to no more than 14 per semester.
  • Encourage our student to make use of professors’ office hours, Tutoring Services, and the Writing Center.
  • Check in most weekends with a Google Meet virtual meeting to look over grades and make sure there aren’t any missing assignments; troubleshoot problems.
  • Identify an academic mentor at LU to provide support on a regular basis so that we as parents don’t have to do the heavy lifting of weekly checking on grades and assignments. There are options in ODAS, CASAS, and within the sports departments for athletes. We have used mentors in all of those departments and advise just trying different options until you find someone who is a good fit for your student.

I often visit for a long weekend in the middle of the semester to provide guidance and support for whatever may be an issue for our daughter at the time. This might mean offering mentoring for the process of writing a research paper (a casualty of COVID in our daughter’s education), buying a printer and getting it set up, or discussing a change of major.

We praise God that He has already made a way for our girl to finish two years of college at Liberty! We continue to refine what the best practices for our daughter are, and can’t wait to see what good works He has in store for her! Kris C., Junior

Blessings to all who hear.

E/4:29’s contributing authors are parents of students who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program at Liberty or have recently graduated. Each month, the Parent-to-Parent blog offers practical tips, helpful guidance, and encouraging wisdom that they may serve you “only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (as in, Ephesians 4:29). 

Are you a current or recently graduated LU Family member? We invite you to write with us! Email your name and student’s ID to LUFamily@liberty.edu today!

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