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College Stress Is Like Riding a Roller Coaster

Parent-to-Parent E/4:29

We have made it halfway through the semester and, prayerfully, fall break gave all of us a jolt of renewed energy (and lots of freshly washed laundry) to finish the semester well!  The distance in miles may have increased again between where we sit at home and where our child is at LU, but our love and interest in their lives and futures have not diminished or decreased. If anything, we may feel that we are more invested, literally, because of the financial commitments it takes to complete their education, but also because of the growth that is evident in them just from being at LU for these last 10 or so weeks! Imagine all the LORD will do in the years to come in their hearts, minds, and future families.

There are many days, weeks, months, and possibly years ahead depending on where you and your family are on the timeline of your student’s education before we get to their future families. There are plenty of stressful days they’ll need us to coach them through. Let’s give one another hope that in all of His faithfulness, we can make it. We can coach our students as their stress levels increase again and again, through the false starts to midterms and through the last final exam. Parent-to-parent, hold on, and remember Who loves your student. The LORD has his eye on each one of us, parents and children included, as he does on every little sparrow (as in Luke 12:7).

Communication: Too Stressed or Too Quiet?

Communicating with our young adult kids can seem like a roller coaster. By this point in the semester we’ve all gotten at least a few calls from stressed out kids, while at the same time thinking we might actually never hear from them again! Its midterm season and finals are already visible on the horizon. Some are cramming in the extra credit or trying to figure out how they’re ever going to have time to finish up the projects and assignments on their to-do list.

Often a little stress can be good for us, it motivates us and keeps us moving forward. But some of us can freeze up and not accomplish anything at all. As parents the most important thing we can do is remind them that this is just for now, not forever, and it will pass in the blink of an eye! God put them in this place for a reason, and they were made for this. Remind them to just do the next thing, and above all, make sure they know you pray for them without ceasing. Ann S., Graduate.

When They Call or Text Stressed Out!

This was a hard one for me. I know my child is inclined to procrastinate and not use time management skills. I know that [procrastination] leads to poor quality on assignments and late work. I was slow to be sympathetic and would always remind her the syllabus is not merely a suggestion. I would tell her to use her check list to stay on track and her planner. Put the phone away so she could focus. If that is your student, remind them why they are there and that you know they are capable of doing well. Make sure he/she knows they are loved and prayed for. You want your student to feel better, encouraged and confident you will always be their sounding board.

You know your child best. If he/she is a conscientious student, let them vent, then offer encouragement, prayer and some suggestions to help. That might mean a gentle reminder to get enough sleep, drinking enough water, vitamins, healthy food choices and get some fresh air. Ask them about their current study schedule and where they think the problem originated. Are they struggling with one particular class? Talking with professors, CASAS, and Tutoring are options that may help. Have they taken on too many difficult classes at one time?

Remind your student they are very loved, capable, covered in prayer and are where God wants them. Chances are they will already be feeling better by the end of the conversation. And you will have provided some TLC and some workable things that can help. Wanda B., Graduate.

Blessings and grace to all you hear.

Parent-to-Parent E/4:29’s contributing authors are parents of students that are currently enrolled in undergraduate degree programs or have recently graduated and are continuing their higher education in a graduate degree program at Liberty. Each month of the blog, Parent-to-Parent E/4:29 will offer practical tips, helpful guidance, and encouraging wisdom that they may serve you “only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (as in, Ephesians 4:29). 

If you are interested in sharing your insights and tips with fellow parents, email your name and student’s ID to LUFamily@liberty.edu today!

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