Letting Go of Micromanaging, Part 1
E/4:29 Parent-to-Parent
Learning Something New
The Bible encourages us to be good stewards of our resources, so when we invested money into our children’s education, we talked to them about our expectations and being able to check in occasionally about their grades. I’m not talking about micromanaging their every decision or choice during college or expecting perfection. We wanted accountability and responsibility. As they have learned to have more “skin in the game” they seemed more invested and less likely to waste. Luke 12:48 says that “to whom much is given much is required.” I think the biblical principle could apply here.
If your student receives a failing grade or overspends their budget, choose to be curious. Consider what led to it before you respond. If the course material is difficult, the degree program is not a good match for their natural wiring, or they did not pay attention makes a difference. Consider giving advice when it is asked for or welcomed. Ask them what they think will help going forward. And give grace when needed as God gives it to us! We are not our child’s managers but, in part, more like their business partners in this college time.
As partners, there is accountability to one another. Our children count on us to pay the bills we say we will pay and help make the college opportunity possible. We look to them to take advantage of the opportunity and put some work in which might require repeating a course or two to learn the material or improve the grade. Think of it. A future employer will expect to see a return on their investment in hiring them. They will want to see evidence of responsible, reliable actions and decisions at work. How our students fail and get up and try again with a revised plan will help them in their futures. During college, we can help lay a foundation of responsibility and accountability.
As our children transition into adulthood, their choices and the outcome of those choices are their own. Rely on God to work in them and through them. He knows the plans He has for each of them, says Jeremiah 29:11. And Matthew 7:11 says, “ If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him?” Stacy L., Senior
E/4:29’s contributing authors are parents of students who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program at Liberty or have recently graduated. Each month, the Parent-to-Parent blog offers practical tips, helpful guidance, and encouraging wisdom that they may serve LU Family “only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (as in, Ephesians 4:29).
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