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Results not Excuses

Why a Focus on Results Matters

Mindset is powerful. Too often we get in the habit of making excuses rather than holding to a results mentality. 

Here are some tips to overcoming the “excuse habit.”

Trading Excuses for Results

  • Daily choices are the secret to success. The small decisions you make every single day lead to big accomplishments.
    • Are you going to class?
    • Are you scheduling time to study?
    • Are you reading the textbook? Time management is the key to making the most of your college experience. Procrastination will only drag you further away from your goals. For more help, check our tips for Time Management.
  • If you want it, be willing to work for it.  The truth is anything worthwhile takes more time and energy than you first think it will. Many obstacles are just opportunities in disguise. Don’t quit! Instead, learn how to turn your dreams into step-by-step SMART goals. For more help. read our tips for Goal Setting. “Dreams don’t work unless you do.” – John Maxwell.
  • Recognize that your feelings will lie to you. You won’t always feel like going to class or studying or writing a paper. Accountability is the “secret sauce” for moving forward when you lack motivation. Find a Peer Mentor, a Tutor, or a study buddy who will challenge you to make the hard decisions to go to class, study for the test or write the paper.
  • Gratitude is a game-changer for perspective. A Growth mindset begins with gratitude. When you choose to be “thankful in all things” (I Thes. 5:18) you will find yourself looking for ways to move forward in your circumstances, rather than making excuses. This helps you move toward ownership, which produces themes of commitment, endurance and motivation which are key contributors for a results mentality.
  • Ask God for a decided heart. A decided heart is purposeful and will make a plan, rather than make excuses. Pray and specifically ask God and others to reveal to you how you can step into more ownership toward a “results not excuses lifestyle.”

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