Tales from the Lodge: Part 2

January 12, 2023

Written by Pearson Bonnett, Assistant Director of Lodge Operations

The Liberty Mountain Snowflex Centre sees a large variety of patrons including Liberty University students, avid skiers or snowboarders, and the many families of the Lynchburg area. While most of our guests are focused on our various winter activities, it’s always a pleasure to see conversations arise from the multitude of animals in the Barrick-Falwell Lodge.

A Small Recap

As mentioned in the previous Tales from the Lodge blog, Dr. Barrick was a supporter of Liberty’s mission from the beginning and was a good friend of Dr. Falwell. Dr. Barrick has three children who went on to become LU Alumni, which speaks to the Barrick family’s support of LU. He served in the Air Force as a dentist for 7 years, before running his own private practice for 26 years. Dr. Barrick has spent time on both sides of the United States, being stationed in Maine for 2 years before transferring over to Alaska. Dr. Barrick has a passion for hunting, and he generously donated a large portion of his collection to be displayed in the Lodge.

In the previous Tales from the Lodge post, I had the pleasure of recounting the story of the Standing Grizz that is displayed in the Lodge, a fascinating story in which Dr. Barrick bested one of the most fearsome creatures in the world. Thankfully, his abilities were able to keep him alive as he faced danger and death head on. But like I mentioned before, this is only one of his legendary tales…

The Polar Bear

One of the animals that brings about the most discussion in the Lodge is the fearsome polar bear. Children and adults alike are amazed that we display a creature that they will probably never see in the wild. Dr. Barrick has taken down two polar bears in his lifetime, and the second one now calls the Snowflex Lodge home. It is quite the process to hunt a polar bear, which shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. They live in some of the most remote places on the planet and do a lot of their hunting around holes in the ice, where seals come up to breathe.

The Hunt

This was a relatively standard hunt (as polar bear hunts go). This story takes place in Alaska, beginning when Dr. Barrick and two Alaskan native guides flew over the polar ice cap to look for polar bear tracks in the snow. When tracks were spotted from the plane, they landed and proceed to track the bear on foot.

They came up on the bear near a feeding area, but the bear turned towards the group as they approached. The monstrous creature began to approach, but Dr. Barrick took two shots to take the bear down before it could even make a move. As Dr. Barrick put it, you must be extremely cautious when hunting for an animal that has never seen a human before. “They would just as soon eat you as a seal, which is the primary food of the polar bear”. After the hunt, the group returned to a nearby village to have a feast of polar bear meat. The meat tastes similar to pork, according to Dr. Barrick, and we are just going to have to take his word for it (I hear polar bear meat is pretty rare in Virginia). While to many this would be a once in a lifetime experience, Dr. Barrick has plenty of these adventures.

To Close

The polar bear is one of the most fascinating animals in the Lodge, and it was a pleasure to hear this story from Dr. Barrick himself. Not only is Dr. Barrick an excellent storyteller, but his life is an incentive for all of us to take a step toward our adventurous side!

Click here to read Tales from the Lodge: Part 1

DIY Easter Sunrise Hike

January 9, 2023

Written by Katy Ward & Kyle Upson

What could be a better way to celebrate our Risen Christ than to watch His sun rise to begin your Easter day? We believe this Sunrise Hike will help to start your day off in the right mindset, setting your mind on God and His creation.

Cole Mountain is about an hour from campus and with it’s short, relatively easy climb and beautiful scenery it is one of the more popular hikes in the Liberty community, but around holidays, the crowds are not as frequent, making this hike a peaceful one to enjoy by yourself or a few close friends.

At only a 2-mile loop, this hike is an easy one to do first thing in the day and still have plenty of time for anything else you have planned. Follow this itinerary for a step-by-step timeline:

  • 04:30am – Leave campus
  • 05:30am – Arrive at the base of Cole Mountain
  • 05:45am – Begin hike to summit
  • 06:30am – Reach Cole Mountain open field
    • Find a good spot with a good view and relax for a bit
  • 06:44am – Sunrise
  • 06:45am – Do a devotional or spend time in prayer
    • We have provided a devotional below if you would like to use that one
  • 07:30am – Depart for parking lot
  • 08:00am – Arrive at car and depart for campus
  • 09:00am – Arrive at campus
  • Enjoy the rest of your Easter Sunday!


Last Friday was Good Friday, where we mourn the suffering of our Savior. Jesus was spit upon, beaten, scourged, mocked, and forced to carry the very cross that He would be nailed to. How can this be? The God-Man, prophesied Messiah, hanging from a tree, lifeless. This was the price that was needed to pay for the sins of the world. A perfect man who never sinned and was at the same time the very God who created the universe died a painful death in our place. Does the story just end there? Of course not!

It seemed to the disciples that all was lost, their Messiah just died and was buried in a tomb. It was on the first day of the week around two thousand years ago when Jesus rose from the grave. Though triumphant over death, he did not rise boisterously but rather humbly, as does the sun this morning. The sun isn’t yelling at the world, saying, “look at me!”  Jesus appeared to a select few, who would be commanded by Him to take the message of His resurrection to all people and ethnic groups (πάντα τὰ ἔθνη; v. 28:19). Jesus said in John 8:12 that He is the light of the world, and as the sunrays break over the ridgelines and into the dark valley so does the name of Jesus go forth and light the darkest of places. Let us, who follow the Lord, be available to be used by Him from the mountaintops to the valleys below, to every tribe, nation, and tongue. Not many churches today teach disciple making when it is commanded in Scripture. Christ died a brutal death for you. You were bought with a price (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:20), so go and declare Christ to those who do not know Him. Tell your next-door neighbors, the old lady in the grocery store, your waiter/waitress, every conversation we have is an opportunity to declare the gospel. The Sun of righteousness has risen and there is healing in His wings made available to those who accept and follow Him (Malachi 4:2)!

In the meantime, we look forward to the day where there will be no more sunrises or sunsets. We, in hopeful anticipation, look forward to the New Jerusalem which “has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb” (Rev. 21:23). This is not a hope that is questionable if it will actually happen as understood in modern English definitions. This is a hope that is certain for Christ has promised this dwelling place and He is always faithful in His promises.

What to Bring

This trip does not require much, but here is a list that you may find helpful when preparing:

  • Small backpack
  • Water Bottle
  • Blanket to sit on
  • Bible
  • Journal and something to write with
  • Hat
  • Extra jacket just in case
  • Breakfast or a snack if you want to eat something at the top

Always remember to check the weather before you head out so you can dress appropriately for the trip you are about to take. While it will be April, there is still a chance of cold weather and possibly even snow.

We hope that if you take this trip that it is beneficial and helps to set up your Easter day beautifully. If you take part in this, we would love to hear about it or see any pictures you may have! Happy hiking and Happy Easter!

Montview Arcade

December 15, 2022

Written by Lincoln Miller, Montview Recreation Manager

When thinking about the Montview Bowling Alley, what comes to your mind is likely billiard tables, some televisions to watch sports games, and, of course, bowling. While in the past these were the only things that were available to do, that is no longer the case.

Arcade Machines

Montview Bowling Alley has recently made an addition of two arcade machines in the back corner of the alley. These machines each are free for all customers to play and hold about twenty games on each of them. The games on those machines consist of traditional games, such as Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Mario Bros, or Galactica. There are also lesser-known games available such as Bubble, Side Kick, and Gunsmoke. While you may be unfamiliar with them, I encourage you to give these fun, retro games a try!

History of Arcade Machines

In the late 70’s, arcades were the place to be. The first thought that comes to mind when a person thinks of arcades is likely dimly lit rooms in places like Chucky Cheeses or Dave & Busters. But while these rooms may have been dimly lit, that was hardly a drawback for the kids who inhabited them. The first major game was Space Invaders, but it was not long before games like Asteroids and Pac-man came into play.

As technology advanced, there were hundreds of games to choose between. These games allowed for a shared experience between communities who could compete for high scores in various games. From driving games, to story-based games, and even pinball, there is a game for everyone to enjoy at the arcade. Some of the arcades in modern day in Japan even allow for their patrons to keep a digital thumb drive that keeps track of their progress. This allows them to save their progress in a game that they haven’t played for some time. With all the different ways to play, it’s obvious why arcades were the best way to play video games in general for many years.

Customer Feedback

The arcade machines were installed this past summer and have already received plenty of use, containing records and high scores to beat. Our hope is that guests who may experience a bowling waitlist pass the time by attempting to beat these high scores.

Customer feedback is important to us, and we are always looking to implement feedback and suggestions from our patrons. Additional games that might be added to our collection include Pop-A-Shot, pinball machines, and classic arcade games like NBA Jam, and Marvel Vs. Capcom. If you’re enjoying the arcade games at the alley or have a suggestion, please let a staff member know!

We can’t wait to see you at Montview Bowling Alley! To learn more about offerings and hours of operation, visit Liberty.edu/CampusRec/Montview

Training Loft Conversion

December 2, 2022

Written by Nathaniel Hutton, Facilities Coordinator

The training loft at LaHaye Recreation & Fitness Center has been a staple for high-intensity/CrossFit® style workouts. Due to unforeseen circumstances, it went through some changes beginning in the Fall of 2022, transforming the space into an all-purpose training loft with new equipment for all styles of workouts.

Rig Movement

As you make your way into the training loft, you will see that the Rogue rig is gone. No, we did not get rid of such a great piece of equipment. You can find the rig on the lower level next to the LaHaye Rock Wall. The rig located in the lower level still provides the opportunity for members to achieve that high-intensity/CrossFit® style workout. Concept 2 cardio equipment is available for members to use alongside the rig, as well as four Olympic lifting platforms, so members can perform lifts and have access to a pull-up bar within seconds. This is critical for high-intensity style workouts.

What to Look Forward to

With the rig being out of the training loft, there are many new opportunities available for members to take advantage of. Since the rig was removed, wall-mounted pull-up bars have been installed for high-intensity workouts. Cable machines are now available for members to use in the training loft, too. Finally, members can look forward to a turf section being installed for sled pushes, sled pulls, speed drills, etc.

With the recent changes, there is more space for members in the training loft to enjoy their workouts. This space provides room for potential projects in the future that members can look forward to.

High-Intensity Training

High-intensity training has been on the rise in the fitness industry in the last decade. LaHaye Recreation & Fitness Center has been ahead of the trends when it comes to this style of training and has provided this option since its transformation in 2014. A large number of members enjoy CrossFit®-style training which has become popular at Liberty.

This training methodology has become so popular, that LaHaye offers a CrossFit® class within their group exercise program. CrossFit® offers a very challenging workout along with a great community to cheer you on. Come out to LaHaye Recreation & Fitness Center to enjoy the new training loft and maybe go out of your comfort zone and hit a different style workout!

Why You Should Play Disc Golf

November 11, 2022

Written by Jake Hilbish, Liberty Mountain Facilities Coordinator

I play disc golf for a lot of reasons. I mean, there are TONS of excuses to get out on one of the three disc golf courses at Liberty University. It’s affordable, it’s fun, and it’s a challenging sport to master. It can be relaxing, help you connect with friends and family, and makes a great tool to network with new people. The community is awesome and is made up of really great people. It can help you get fit, it’s easy to learn, and absolutely anyone can play it. Have I persuaded you yet?


Disc golf is a healthy recreational activity with a low entry barrier. Unlike traditional golf, there are no golf carts on most courses so you walk the whole time. Most courses in the local area are about 5,000-6,000 feet long. If you’re looking to get those steps in, this is a great way to do it. It is also a great way to care for your mental health and find peace. The sport allows me to go into nature and shift my focus away from the daily grind. I have spoken with many other players who feel the same way, especially new players who had discovered the game during the pandemic. The COVID-19 outbreak led to significant growth in the sport because it is free, you play it outside, and you can do it alone. Though it can be a solo sport, the larger benefit from the sport can be taken from the social interactions between players.

Building Relationships 

The sport is a great way to build new relationships. Because anyone can play, it is easy to ask a friend, parent, spouse, work colleague, or even a first date out to the course. The game runs at a slower pace so it is easy to keep a conversation going and connect with one another while playing. If you are looking to join a community, disc golf is one of the easiest and most welcoming I have ever been a part of. No one cares who you are, what you do, or even how good you are as long as you’re having fun.

Making Your Community a Better Place

Speaking of community, disc golf has a positive effect on green spaces and community parks. There have been studies on clubs putting courses into underused public parks, which have led to dramatic changes to the park’s perceived quality. They can also lead to decreases in the crime rate in the park, more users, and an added economic value to the community. So, the investment of your time at your local course (free for you), is an opportunity for you to invest in the local recreational opportunities that your community provides! Be a good neighbor, and play disc golf!


I mentioned disc golf as being an affordable sport, and it truly is. One can expect to go to their local sporting goods store or online and get a new starter set of discs for $20.

You could even go used and get your discs for $3-$5. Though, much like any sport, you can certainly spend money quickly if you would like to. The expensive bags and specialty discs can easily cost you around $60-$100 a pop. More experienced players will even spend a few hundred dollars on digital range finders to track distance. But those extreme costs aside, compared to most sports, disc golf is easily one of the most accessible and affordable. But, don’t feel like you have to run right out and buy discs; we rent them to students, free of cost, at the Hydaway Outfitter!

Final Thoughts

Disc golf is basically hiking with a purpose. So, if you love the outdoors, love hiking, love a challenge, or if you are just bored, give disc golf a try. Trust me, you won’t regret it. We are blessed to have three courses located right here on our beautiful campus. We have a 20-hole course on Campus East, and another 20-hole course at the Hydaway Outdoor Center. We also have a beginner-friendly 9-hole course located at Hydaway as well as plenty of discs for rent in our Pro Shop. Come visit us and try something new this year!


“Disc Golf Boosts Mental Health During the Pandemic” at UDisc

“Disc Golf Benefits for the Community” at Infinite Discs Official Blog

Try Something New

October 28, 2022

Written by Kailey Bandara, Intramural Sports Coordinator

As an extremely competitive person involved in sports my whole life, I can say firsthand that I, personally, do not like doing activities I am not good at. I believe you play to win, and I always stuck to what I was good at and never branched out. But how do you get good at something you have never done? By trying something new. According to sports research, constantly introducing new and different strategies for physical activity and life skills can allow individuals to have more ‘tools’ in their toolbox to handle general life stressors. When it comes to Intramurals, trying a new sport that you have never done before could be just the thing you need this year!

Areas of Increased Interest

Two of the sports that we offer have seen a huge increase in numbers and overall interest because students have decided to get their hall on a team and try them out. The first sport is broomball. Have you ever even heard of what broomball is? It is essentially ice hockey but with a ball instead of a puck and you wear regular closed-toed shoes instead of skates! Trying not to slip while getting the ball into the opposing goal is a learning curve, but one that many students have found to be the highlight of their semesters! We offer over 26 men’s teams and 22 women’s teams in the league, but they can fill up fast and you do not want to miss out on playing with your friends! The other sport we offer that many students tried for the first time last year was our women’s flag football tournament! Where else are you going to get this opportunity? Last Spring, 16 teams registered for this tournament compared to the previous years of an average of 3. I received feedback from the girls who competed, and they raved about how fun it was to do something different and to play a sport they did not have the opportunity to in high school.

Strength in Numbers

Trying something new, especially a sport you have never played before, can be daunting and maybe cause you to back out. We encourage you to reach out to the people on your hall, invite friends from your classes to be on your team, or even be bold enough to join as a free agent! However, there is strength in numbers. Sharing these experiences with others will help you create lifetime memories to look back on. One day you may even say to your friend, “Hey, remember when we played broomball in college, and we couldn’t stop wiping out the first game?”. I am not sure you will have the opportunity to play some of these sports in an organized way after your time at Liberty, so the time is now! Don’t be afraid to try something new!

Upcoming Tournaments

We have the perfect upcoming tournaments for you to try something you might never have done before! If you have been to a game room, the pool table could look challenging, but you might have a knack for the intricate sport! Beginner’s luck is a thing, and you just might have it. Our billiards tournament is next month, so head on over to the game room and practice your skills! Do you remember the days playing wiffleball in the backyard with your parents or siblings? Backyard sports do not have to stay in our fond childhood memories anymore because we also have our wiffleball tournament next month! And finally, if you can make a 3-pointer, we want to see you compete in our 3-point contest to wrap up the school year in December! Visit our website to learn more about Intramural Sports & to register for these upcoming tournaments!

Caring for Equestrian Tack and Equipment

October 14, 2022

Written by Suzanne Flaig, Director of the Liberty Mountain Equestrian Center

In the equestrian world, “tack” is the term we give to the equipment we use on the horse for handling and riding. We most commonly think of saddles and bridles as our primary tack, but other accessories also fall into this category, like bits, girths, halters, etc. This equipment is important for the safety and enjoyment of both horse and rider, so proper care will ensure your equipment serves its duty and lasts for a while. Tack can be expensive to replace so knowing its purpose and how to care for it, will save you money down the road!

Materials Used for Tack

For saddles and bridles, leather is a popular choice. While there are sometimes synthetic materials used, leather is traditional and most common. The quality of the material used is important because tack should be well fitted to the horse and strong enough to hold the equipment in place. You would not want to be riding a 1,000-pound animal and have your equipment break mid-ride!

Why is Leather Commonly Used?

First, leather (when properly maintained) is a supple product. It has some give to it which is generally more comfortable for the horse carrying the equipment, and for the rider using it. Second, leather also is slightly “tacky” (no pun intended), so it sticks to itself and will not easily slip through your hands while working with a horse. Third, leather is durable and versatile. Quality leather tack can remain useful for many years. It can also be crafted into various styles and designs depending on the intended purpose of the equipment.

Caring for Tack

Leather tack needs to be cleaned routinely to ensure its integrity. As it is used, tack will pick up dirt, sweat even saliva from the horse. These types of organic matter need to be removed to prevent cracking and deterioration. Many choose to clean bridles and saddles after each use or, frequently with mild glycerin soap, often termed “saddle soap”. We typically use a damp sponge and a small amount of soap to wipe down all of the leather pieces. Some areas will require a little more elbow grease than others to remove any dirt. Less frequently, you will likely need to do deeper conditioning of the leather.
There are several products on the market including “neatsfoot oil” that provide softening and preservative benefits for leather. Tack is in better condition when it is used and cleaned regularly. Sitting idle for long periods is not good. The leather becomes brittle and may even develop mold.

Caring for Other Equipment

Besides saddles and bridles, there are a gazillion other pieces of equipment you may see around the barn (ok, that might be a mild exaggeration, but there are a lot). A general rule of thumb is that equipment needs to be clean and in good repair. Cleaning tack is a necessary way to routinely inspect for any areas of wear like cracking or tearing. Those pieces should be replaced as needed, you do not want to take a chance of an equipment failure. Take the time to care for your tack and equipment and it will take care of you and your horse!

Looking for a way to get plugged in at the Equestrian Center? Visit our website to learn more about the programs we offer.

Life, School, Friends, Gym… How to Fit it All In

September 30, 2022

Written by Sarah Yoder, Graphic Designer

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, mustering up motivation and finding time in your schedule to keep up physical fitness can be quite challenging. Now try adding collegiate academics into that mix. It often seems extremely difficult, almost impossible, to keep up with everything that needs to be done, let alone get a workout and consistent exercise in. For those who are just beginning their college experience (or even students who have been in school previously) and want to learn how to balance their health and fitness while in college, below are several valuable and informative tips!

Structure a schedule, prioritize, and take it one day at a time.

While this may sound like some cheesy advice you’ve heard from your mom or teacher already, creating a prioritized schedule and focusing on what needs to get done each day truly is a game-changer. This is especially true when it comes to trying to find extra time outside of classes and homework for additional activities such as exercising, hanging out with friends, and taking care of yourself.
The amount of time you have during each day, week, and month is a known quantity. This is an extremely helpful factor when creating a schedule. It is often easy to prioritize school/academics in your schedule, as it is required. Knowing this, continue to organize all of your activities, events, and things that need to get done by importance. Taking it one step further, create a time-based schedule, so you know exactly how much time you have to spend on each activity. Doing this will allow you to better complete what you want to get accomplished each day, ultimately helping you to stay on top of your goals.

Boost your physical health and body through balance and moderation.

Setting aside time to move your body and exercise will be a huge, beneficial factor in your overall health. Also, just as important is a nutritious diet, getting suitable rest, and doing everything with balance. Doing “all things in moderation” has proven time and again to help boost your overall mood, performance, mental health, mental activity, and more. It may be tricky to navigate all of these things at once while in college, but the more you practice healthy habits, the easier it becomes!

A 20–30-minute workout is better than no workout at all.

With a tight schedule, time is often of the essence and seems to be quickly fleeting. It is a common myth that if you’re not able to devote at least one hour, or more, to working out or exercising, then there is no point in doing it all. Conversely, as little as 20-30 minutes of physical activity is quite ideal- especially for college students! By plugging these short but effective workout times into your structured schedule, you may begin to realize that maintaining and working toward your fitness goals is easily doable, even when you are primarily focused on academics.
Think of short exercise sessions like depositing money into a bank savings account: while the given amount may be small, it is the continuous contribution and consistency that eventually starts to build up, making you stronger and “wealthier” physically.
More specifically, if you’re unsure about how to go about planning these shorter workouts or what you should do, a good tip is to focus on intensity, frequency, and type. By incorporating higher-intensity workouts, full-body exercises, and compound movements into your daily exercise routine you will be off to a great start.

Maximize your time by combining friends and fitness.

Want to catch up with friends but need to burn off some energy? Combining your social life with fitness is a clever way to utilize your time and is easy to do with all of the great opportunities, activities, events, and facilities on campus. Take them climbing at the rock wall, sign up with your besties for a free group exercise class, hit a lift session together, or even try your hands at racquetball and break a sweat at LaHaye Rec & Fit! Or perhaps you want a close-knit community that also appreciates sports and athletics as you do. Campus Recreation offers a multitude of Intramural sports and teams that you can be a part of. Maybe you and your friends are more outdoor enthusiasts, in which case, take a hike and explore at Hydaway Outdoor Center. Whatever you prefer, be sure to check out all your fantastic options and include your friends the next time you want to exercise!

How to Train for a Triathlon

September 16, 2022

Written by Nikki Kilian, Fitness Coordinator

You may have heard that LaHaye Campus Recreation is hosting a Triathlon Sprint this fall, and you may be interested in participating. This race will be a mostly indoor triathlon Sprint, meaning it is shorter than a traditional triathlon. In a triathlon sprint, the total distance run is 16 miles and it is broken up into the following categories:

  • Swim: 750 meters (approximately 0.50 miles)
  • Bike: 20 kilometers (12.40 miles)
  • Run: 5 kilometers (3.10 miles)

Define your Why

 A strong reason behind your training will help you follow through. Training for any race is hard work physically and mentally. Not to mention, it is often a large time commitment. Define why you are training, and remind yourself of it when things get challenging.

Make a Plan

 Creating a training plan and sticking to it will also help you with consistency. When creating a training plan, it is beneficial to be realistic. If your schedule does not allow you to train every day, then prioritize 2-3 days a week for training. Another way to be realistic is by not doing too much too fast. If you have never run before, start with a goal of 0.5-1 miles and add 0.5-1 miles every week until race day. Also, understand that each time you set aside to train you are not aiming to complete the entire triathlon or even all 3 events. You can separate your workouts into one day of running, one day of swimming, and one day of cycling. You can even attend group exercise cycling classes to count for your cycling day. Do what is realistic for you and what you enjoy! You may consider doing a couple of long training days where you do complete all of the events either in their full distance or in a shortened distance.

If your goal is simply to finish, do not worry about a specific time for completing the triathlon, just set out to conquer the distances. If you want to increase speed for any of the categories, add a day of intervals each week to your training plan. The internet is also a great resource for viewing sample training plans!

Put in the Work!

 When you put your plan into action, start with something you either enjoy or are your strength. For example, if your strength is swimming start your training there! It will help you gain momentum and allow you to feel successful. If you enjoy running more than swimming, start there! You do not need to overcomplicate things, just set out to conquer your goals in bite-sized pieces, then put those pieces together for race day. You can accomplish anything that you put in the work for.

Something Worth Investing In

September 2, 2022

Written by Hudson Rice, Lodge Operations Staff

For the last three years, I have worked at Liberty Mountain Snowflex Centre as a rental technician, and it has been among the most enriching and beneficial experiences of my life.

Professional Impact

At the most fundamental level, being a rental technician has allowed me to work with the instruments of a sport and culture I truly love. Skiing and snowboarding have been among the most important and beneficial parts of my life over the last few years, and the opportunity to familiarize myself with the literal nuts and bolts of the industry is something I am grateful for. I love teaching customers about the gear and how to use it, talking to more experienced customers about the sport, and seeing customers use my advice to improve as a rider.

The opportunity to develop a level of functional expertise with ski and snowboard equipment is especially valuable because it has applications beyond Snowflex. When riding at other mountains, I can diagnose and solve problems with my gear, which has proven quite valuable. I can talk with other riders and rental technicians with confidence, which leads to more enriching conversations and relationships.

Relational Impact

Snowflex has provided an opportunity to develop my professional abilities, but the most impactful and beneficial feature of working as a rental technician has been the relationships made with my co-workers (and the depth I have learned to seek therein). I truly believe that there is something special about the atmosphere created by the Snowflex student staff. Maybe it’s the work environment, which necessitates active communication and collaboration. Maybe it’s the community that skiing and snowboarding tend to attract. Maybe it’s as simple as the proximity to something as cool and engaging as freestyle riding. Whatever it is, with three years under my belt at Snowflex, I have yet to find a place equivalent in its facilitation of deep, meaningful friendships.

The friends I’ve made here are passionate, interesting, fun-loving, kind, and intelligent. This makes them exceptional employees, yes. But it makes them even better co-workers. Much of my time at Snowflex is spent in direct collaboration with these people, a privilege that makes my days here enjoyable and fruitful. It is an atmosphere I value deeply and take seriously; I will not soon forget the way it welcomed me so readily and made me feel valued.

Going Forward

Now, my days at Snowflex are numbered. I am entering my senior year, and the fact that I cannot work at Snowflex forever is becoming increasingly real. Bittersweet, sure. But to say I am grateful for the things Snowflex has given me would be an understatement. It trained me to find a deeper love for skiing and snowboarding. It allowed me to develop indispensable interpersonal and professional skills. It encouraged me to seek depth in my passions and my relationships. But most importantly, it allowed me to form relationships with really good, really cool people.

I cannot quite put my finger on what makes the student worker community at Snowflex so special, but I can point out some contributing factors. Snowflex is an extremely unique facility that provides a tremendous opportunity for learning and developing as a freestyle rider. At its core, it is an extension of the broader ski/snowboard freestyle culture, which is rooted in creativity and community. Frequently, our association with Liberty University works in tandem with these influences, infusing them with an even greater degree of care and love. All this combines to create an environment made wonderful by its comprising influences. A place characterized by creativity, community, care, and love.

Final Thoughts

And so, the people attracted by this culture and the people that find as much meaning in it as I do tend to stay. They tend to invest in it and protect it. There is something rare here, something worth preserving and celebrating. Something worth investing in. Because I am not alone in finding meaning, community, and a love for depth and understanding here. I only hope to have contributed to the culture in the way it deserves.

Impacted by Hudson’s story and looking for a job on Campus? Visit our employment page to see our job openings within Campus Recreation!