The One Where We’re Thankful For 2020

November 20, 2020

Written by Ashley Romero, Marketing Intern

We all started this year with words that we hoped would reflect the season ahead. Words that most likely did not end up describing the year that we would call 2020. As the holiday season comes closer and the leaves begin to fall, it is all too easy to look ahead to the new year and dream of leaving these crazy times in the past. But, what if we rested in the present? What if we shifted our perspective to be grateful for what this year has brought? With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we have a day carved-out in the year to reflect on the things we can be thankful for. An opportunity to leave this year with gratitude for what it was and not disappointment for what we think it should’ve been.

So, What Does Thankfulness Look Like?

For all you Friends lovers out there, you know that the first Thanksgiving of the show was one that was spent in a way that no one hoped for. Rachel hoped to go out of town, Joey and Phoebe hoped to go see their families, Chandler hated Thanksgiving due to his parents’ divorce, and Monica wanted a pristine meal. None of the friends got what they wanted, but after some thought they realized that everything they needed was right around them and they had plenty of reason to be grateful. As we go into Thanksgiving this year, I encourage you to reflect the spirit of these friends. As Rachel Green would say, “It’s Thanksgiving and we should not want to be together, together.”

So, What Can You Do to Make This a Great Thanksgiving?

Let’s take a look into some of the best Friends’ Thanksgivings.

  • Thanksgiving is not complete without Rachel’s Thanksgiving Trifle (Season 6, Episode 9)
  • Make different types of potatoes for everyone (Season 1, Episode 9)
  • Play a healthy game of football in pursuit of the “Geller Cup” (Season 3, Episode 9)
  • Never, ever, for any reason, put a turkey on your head to scare your friends (Season 1, Episode 9)

Most importantly, when preparing for your Thanksgiving meal, always remember “You can’t have Thanksgiving without turkey… That’s like Fourth of July without apple pie, or Friday with no two pizzas.”

More Than Food

Thanksgiving is a holiday we look forward to for a number of reasons but if we’re being honest, the food is most certainly the highlight. As a foodie myself, I plan the meal long before the day ever arrives. Turkey, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, the list goes on and on! But in all seriousness, the day is meant for so much more than eating until we can no longer fit into our clothes. Thanksgiving is about who you’re eating with, the recognition that the food alone is a blessing, that each day is not guaranteed, and that we are lucky to spend another day in the presence of those who love us.

Turn on the Christmas Music and Get in the Holiday Spirit

All in all, Thanksgiving is a time for families to gather and stomachs to be full! The year is coming to a close and the best thing to do is reflect on it with gratitude. So, what will you say when they ask you what it is your thankful for this year?