LaHaye & David’s Place COVID-19 Regulations & Policies

September 10, 2020

Written by Lauren Shaw, Assistant Director of Operations

Over the last six months, you have probably become quite familiar with the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, as well as the importance of social distancing, hand washing, and wearing a mask. You’ve probably heard the phrase “the new normal” and thought to yourself, “What does this mean to me?”. According to the writers of the Oxford English Dictionary, the phrase has been defined as “a previously unfamiliar or atypical situation that has become standard, usual, or expected.”

As we continue to navigate the Fall 2020 Semester at Liberty University, operations and policies at LaHaye Recreation & Fitness Center and David’s Place look a little different than they have in the years past. Our “new normal” includes abiding by the state executive orders and the Virginia Department of Health’s coronavirus guidelines for all fitness and recreational facilities. In this post, you will find what we are currently doing as a facility to preserve the health and safety of our Liberty community — including students, faculty, staff, and guests. Current modifications for safety include limited capacity, spacing of participants and equipment, enhanced disinfection, navigational flow, and reduced recreational play.

Preventative Measures


  • LaHaye Rec & Fit and David’s Place are both operating at a limited capacity.
  • LaHaye’s busiest hours are between 4 – 6 P.M. — during this time, we encourage you to visit David’s Place Fitness if you do not want to wait in line.
  • Due to the increasing amount of traffic at the front of LaHaye, there are designated entrances and exits to improve traffic flow.
  • An active membership to LaHaye Rec & Fit, utilizing a Flames Pass or temporary membership card, is required to utilize LaHaye Rec & Fit and David’s Place.
  • Due to capacity limitations and operational modifications, LaHaye will only be offering guest passes to immediate family members of Liberty affiliates until 3 p.m. daily. LaHaye will not be offering alumni memberships at this time.


According to the Liberty University Coronavirus Guidelinesmasks are required inside any campus building — this includes when entering and exiting LaHaye Rec & Fit and David’s Place. Masks are encouraged to be worn at all times, except when swimming, using cardiovascular equipment, and during group exercise classes.

Physical Distancing

Members must distance themselves six feet apart from others in lines and while walking through LaHaye and David’s Place. Members additionally must stay at least ten feet apart during exercise.


Members must take an active role in wiping down equipment before and after use, frequent hand washing/sanitizing, and following directional signage to ensure a safe environment for all participants and staff. Staff is responsible for cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces, equipment, and each area of the facility.


Fitness and Cardio Floors

  • Equipment and machines are spaced to meet distancing protocols.
  • The indoor track is open and all walkers and runners are encouraged to maintain ten feet of physical distance.

Group Exercise

  • Hand sanitizer use is required when entering or leaving a class. Each classroom has floor decals spaced 10 feet apart indicating where participants can stand.
  • Participants must wipe down their equipment before and after class.
  • Instructor will wipe down equipment while wearing a mask and gloves after participants leave.

Personal Training

  • Trainers will wear masks while training clients and maintain at least 6-foot distancing except when spotting or assisting.
  • Trainers are responsible for disinfecting equipment before and after use
  • The Personal Training Lab capacity is limited to 4 people.

Rock Wall

  • To promote safe distancing, the LaHaye Rock Wall is on a reservation system that allows one person to reserve one of four zones in the bouldering area.
  • Each zone consists of two bouldering walls, and members can reserve their section for an hour time slot.
  • The holds and wall will be cleaned between reservations.
  • The tower and roped area are closed.
  • Equipment checkout is closed. Street shoes will be allowed.
  • Individuals are permitted to bring in their own equipment but are encouraged to not share their equipment with others.
  • All programming at the LaHaye Rock Wall will be limited to keep groups small.


  • LaHaye Aquatic Center
    • Members are encouraged to wear masks prior to entering the water.
    • Members must shower before entering the water.
    • Lane capacity is limited to 3 members.
    • Swim equipment must be disinfected between members.
    • Hot tubs, diving board, and recreational sports are not permitted.
  • David’s Place Pool
    • David’s Place Pool is operating at a limited capacity.
    • 10 feet of distance must be maintained at all times between non-family members.
    • Chairs on the pool deck cannot be moved.

Sports & Recreation

  • To maintain social distancing, all unorganized play will be limited to individual play with one half-court or half-field assigned to each member.
  • Organized sports, including university athletic teams, club sports teams, and Intramurals, will be permitted to play under new policies and procedures upon scheduling approval. Organized sports will be regulated through symptom screening and/or temperature checks prior to each practice or game.
  • Equipment checkout is closed. Towels are still available.
  • Individuals are permitted to bring their own equipment but are encouraged to not share their equipment with others.

The Virginia Department of Health and Executive Orders from the Governor are continually reviewed and have changed frequently. As changes occur, updates about policies will be communicated through our website and social media platforms as well as relevant signage around our facilities.

Thank you for your cooperation with our rules and regulations. We are excited to continue to offer recreational fitness opportunities this semester. For hours of operations, please see the LaHaye Rec & Fit page and the David’s Place page.