Eating Mindful, Not Mindless
October 24, 2018
Alivia Chenoweth- Marketing Intern
It’s “fall ya’ll” and you know what that means. It is that time of the year where food starts becoming oh-so-good but oh-so-bad for you. The candy comes out for Halloween, the fall flavors at Starbucks are your everyday go-to, and then here comes Thanksgiving and Christmas, and let’s not even go there.
Keeping up regular exercise too in the midst of a 3-month food fest is the most important thing to be doing for your body. It helps fight diseases, it boosts moods and memory, and helps combat anxiety and depression. Plus, it just feels good to be fit.
Here are 5 ways to eat mindful, not mindless:
1. Portion control: You can still eat everything you want BUT in moderation. Yes, please treat yourself and eat those White Chocolate Pumpkin Pie M&M’s, just don’t eat the whole bag. Pay attention to the serving size on the packaging and try to follow along with that.
2. Slow down: Enjoy each bite and put your fork down while chewing, then take a drink between each bite. This gives your body enough time to trigger your brain that you are satisfied.
3. Use technology: Surprisingly, there are a lot of options to help track your calories! Apps such as MyFitnessPal are perfect as you can set goals and it helps you achieve them.
4. Plan: Plan ahead in your mind what you want to eat for the day. This way, you can pack snacks and not make unhealthy splurges on high-carb options.
5. Pay attention: Don’t eat in front of the tv or while you’re on your phone, this can lead to you losing track of how much you’ve eaten, and doesn’t give your brain a chance to realize if you are full or not.
Recreation Centers offers everything you need to complete these goals from our aerobic machines, weights, open spaces to try out your own routine, and more. When you are active, your body doesn’t crave as much junk food as it would if you don’t work out. It all starts somewhere, and fall is the perfect time to begin your fitness journey.