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Right Financial Lifestyle for a Christian With Ron Blue

From Faith & Finance with Rob West

Check out this amazing episode with Ron Blue & Rob West

Episode Summary

Are you living a Christian lifestyle with your finances? And what is that, exactly? It’s not about how much or how little you have. Living a Christian lifestyle means you have the right attitude about money. Ron Blue joins us today to explore what the Bible says about it. Ron Blue is the founder of Kingdom Advisors and author of an armful of books on biblical finance.

Episode Notes

What does it mean to live a Christian lifestyle with regards to money?

Living a Christian lifestyle with money involves having the right attitude towards it, regardless of the amount one possesses. This perspective transcends the amount of wealth and focuses on the heart and obedience to God’s principles on financial management.

  • It’s about the attitude and obedience rather than the amount of wealth.
  • Lifestyle controversies often stem from misunderstandings of biblical teachings on wealth.
  • True obedience involves aligning one’s financial decisions and lifestyle with biblical convictions.

How can we interpret the biblical range of wealth and poverty?

The Bible presents a wide spectrum of financial statuses among believers, from extreme wealth to significant poverty. Key lessons from these narratives emphasize the believers’ heart posture and faithfulness in stewardship, rather than the material wealth itself.

  • Scripture showcases both wealthy individuals and those living in poverty, focusing on their faithfulness and heart posture towards God.
  • The widow’s mite is highlighted not for her poverty but for her willingness to give all she had, demonstrating an attitude of complete trust and surrender to God.
  • Wealth or poverty is not inherently righteous or sinful; the focus is on one’s attitude and actions with what they are given.

Is the prosperity gospel a biblical model for a Christian lifestyle?

The prosperity gospel, which often misinterprets scripture to equate faithfulness with material wealth, is not supported by biblical teachings. The true biblical model emphasizes forgiveness, contentment, and stewardship over material gain.

  • The prosperity gospel misuses scriptures, such as Luke 6:38, which in context, speaks about forgiveness rather than financial blessings.
  • True biblical prosperity is found in spiritual richness and obedience to God’s commands, including living a life marked by forgiveness and generosity.

What scriptures offer guidance on the appropriate financial lifestyle for believers?

First and Second Timothy provide clear guidance on a Christian’s approach to finances, emphasizing the importance of provision for one’s family, enjoyment of God’s blessings with a giving heart, and contentment regardless of one’s financial state.

  • Believers are called to provide for their families, enjoy God’s blessings, and live in contentment.
  • Paul’s teachings in Philippians show that contentment in Christ transcends financial status, focusing on trust and strength found in God rather than material wealth.
  • A Christian’s financial lifestyle is marked by obedience, stewardship, and a heart aligned with God’s purposes, rather than the pursuit of wealth for its own sake.

What are the characteristics of a Christian financial lifestyle?

A Christian financial lifestyle is characterized by provision for one’s family, enjoyment of God’s gifts within the context of giving, and contentment with what one has, as instructed in First and Second Timothy and Hebrews.

  • Provision, enjoyment, and contentment are key elements of a Christian financial lifestyle.
  • These principles guide believers to focus on what truly matters: faithfulness in stewardship, generosity, and a heart content with God’s provision.
  • The biblical model does not prescribe a specific spending or saving percentage but encourages a prayerful and obedient approach to financial management, seeking God’s wisdom and guidance in all things.

On today’s program, Rob answers listener questions:

  • I discovered an unknown American Express account on my credit report from 2017 that I did not open. What steps should I take to address this issue?
  • I’m nearing retirement and currently contribute 5% to my 401k. Should I increase my contribution to 25-30% to maximize it before I retire?
  • I recently inherited a non-qualified annuity and was given only two options for distribution. Is it possible to leave the annuity in for the life term, and how can I find out more about this?
  • My father gave us a timeshare many years ago, which we no longer want. After failing to exit the timeshare through paid services, we were advised legally to just stop paying the maintenance fee. Is there another solution?

Resources Mentioned:

Remember, you can call in to ask your questions most days at (800) 525-7000. Faith & Finance is also available on the Moody Radio Network as well as American Family Radio. Visit our website at FaithFi.com where you can join the FaithFi Community, and give as we expand our outreach.

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