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Category: Center for Financial Literacy

New semester, New money habits

By: Danielle Fralley Many college students go into a new semester thinking “new Semester, new me.” Usually that includes starting to go to the gym, trying a new diet, making better grades….. etc. …. but what if this semester, you decided to change your financial future? Here are five money habits that can change the…

The Heart of the Poor Widow

By: Ellianna Tait I was watching that day in the temple. I was near Him when he spoke. He pointed over to a woman who stood before us dressed in rags and the lowest of clothing. Seriously! Shouldn’t she have more respect for the place of God, the temple, than to drag her dirty self…

Credit Cards: An Opportunity or a Slippery Slope?

By: Luke Trotter Have you ever truly thought about the famous Capital One question, “What’s in your wallet?” Try it. You may be fortunate enough to find old gift cards or an ancient $2 bill you forgot about. It may be shocking that out of 253 million adults in the United States, over 191 million…

Investing: It’s Not as Scary as It Seems

By: Lance Zasso Ralph from Wreck-It Ralph. Sully from Monsters Inc. Fezzik from The Princess Bride. What do all of these characters have in common? How in the world do they relate to investing? Well, each one of them appeared to be intimidating and aggressive figures when in actuality, they were quite the opposite. Others…

Graduation: Navigating from school to the workforce

By JT Bicket Our life is made up of many moments. Some are joyful, others are challenging. It’s moments of excitement and moments of uncertainty that radically shape who we are and who we are becoming. For young adults, the month of May often marks the end of the school year, and for many a…

Money Squeeze and Money Ease

 by Derek Graham Money Squeeze: Closed hands Take a moment to pause and think about all the situations where money has caused issues in your life and in your relationships, big or small. Next, think about all the problems in the world. If you had the means to solve these problems, what problems would you…

“Smart Money” Habits

By: Calvin Egan March 31, 2020 What are “smart money” habits and why are they so important? These questions have an ongoing list of viable answers, making financial success seem like a secret formula or complicated process. But, the answer to the “what” question is actually quite simple while the answer to the “why” can…

Living an Abundant Life

By: Zac Sicher February 13, 2020 Valentine’s Day. It’s a day full of love, joy, and happiness, for those in relationships. For us single people, it’s a day where we can save some money. Ahhh, the perks of single life! Wherever you fall on the spectrum, I want to encourage you with a way to…

Budgeting into the New Year

By: Maria Lindstrom January 13, 2020 Welcoming in a new year offers time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the year ahead. Whether you are the type to set new years’ resolutions, the beginning of the year brings a timely opportunity to evaluate and measure financial goals for the upcoming year….

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