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Category: Center for Financial Literacy

4 Principles of Stewardship

By: Terrance Glover “What does stewardship look like in our lives today?” This question must be asked to evaluate where our mindset is. Yes, stewardship can be applied in to how we use money for the glory of God, but looking further, stewardship is being responsible for the things that God has given us. To…

Patience: How this Biblical Virtue is Evident in our Finances

By: Corban Galloway Patience is something most of us lack. We possess the ability to obtain anything and everything with 2-day or overnight shipping. We live in an unprecedented time in history in which we all have easy access to borrowing, with the world redefining what it means to “be able to afford it”. The…

Graduating Debt Free: An Achievable Goal

By Michael Ginder The average student spends on 4-year degree ($21,000/ year) AFTER financial aid has been applied. Student graduates are left with significant debt as they start families and begin their careers. Proverbs 22:7 says, “The rich rule over the poor, the borrower is slave to the lender.” It’s not uncommon for students to…

Christmas, The Season of Giving

Christmas, The Season of Giving By: Brandon S. When we think of the season of Christmas, we often think of giving. Whether it be gifts, cookies, or donations, we tend to give more freely around Christmas time. As a college student, it can be hard to decide how, where, and how much to give, especially…

Holiday Meal on a Budget

Holiday Meal on a Budget By Kayleen Echegoyen The holidays are a special season to spend time with family and friends, reflect on that which we are to be thankful for, and give out of the blessings we have received. It’s a time to gather with those you love and eat delicious meals together. It…

The Other Side of Investing

by: Luke T. The topic of “investing” conjures images and dreams of financial success punctuated with high-percentage returns and piles of cash. Popular movies, such as The Wolf of Wall Street and The Big Short, display the power and potential of investing to instantly create vast wealth. However, what if there is more to investing…

Meal Prep on a Budget

By Kayleen Echegoyen Ahh, the weekend! Two days of bliss we have worked towards for an entire week. We either fill our time with exciting activities or take time to rest. Then Monday rolls around, we quickly settle into the daily routine. We focus on the tasks at hand and the goals ahead. The day…

Tackle Your Taxes

by Ellianna Tait Taxes…. It seems almost like it should be a bad word, am I right? Should I file? When should I file? How does one even file their taxes? Should I hire an accountant? Should I use one of those online services? Do I use a 1040? What if I have my own…

Ring by Spring

by Josh Oates How much is a good amount to spend on a ring? How much is too much? How could I ever spend that much on something so small? Where do I even begin? These are all legitimate questions guys ask when thinking about buying a ring. This message goes out to all the…

Saving: God’s Plan Over Our Plan

By: Jackson Parker A life verse for me has always been Proverbs 16:9 which says, “a man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps” (Prov. 16:9 HCSB). There have been countless times where I have relied on my own strength to make decisions or push through difficult seasons, without fixing my eyes…

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