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Anita Knight Kuhnley, PhD, LPC

Core Faculty


  • PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from Regent University

Field of Expertise

  • Attachment Certified as a highly reliable Adult Attachment Interview Code
  • Empathy & EI

Licensure and Certification

  • Licensed Professional Counselor, Virginia


Dr. Anita Knight Kuhnley has her PhD in Counselor Education from Regent University and is an LPC in the state of Virginia. She enjoys teaching and interacting with her students online and in the classroom. She has trained counselors for over a decade, and is the author/co-author or editor of nine books. Her most recent book is, “The Mister Rogers Effect” (2020)  that unpacks the incredible influence of Fred Rogers from a psychological lens. She is also a blogger for the American Counseling Association. She has worked as a head counselor at a Teen Challenge, worked in private practice counseling, and managed a college counseling center, before teaching full time.

Her areas of specialization include attachment (she is certified as a highly reliable coder of the Adult Attachment interview), empathy development, and emotional intelligence as a protective buffer for burnout among counselors. Dr. Kuhnley also enjoys mentoring students through research and co-leads a research team focused on topics such as EI, Empathy, and attachment.

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