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Drama Outreach Trips

Share the Gospel Through Drama

Join us in sharing the Gospel through drama! The Department of Theatre Arts and SCA has partnered with LU Send to offer trips around the world with the drama ministry each year.

You will present dramas at schools, theaters, churches, refugee centers, and sometimes on the city streets. Collaborate with and train local leaders in drama ministry, and engage in service opportunities. You will be challenged with the opportunity to plan, direct, and perform in ways that transcend both language and cultural barriers.

Advance your education beyond the classroom, as you learn how to address real-world issues through drama. Use the research you gather to help develop culturally relevant skits, dances, and movement pieces that address issues like starvation, homelessness, abandonment, self-harm, language barriers, and identity to be used on future trips.

As I stepped into my first trip I saw how God touched the lives of so many; those that were being served and those serving. God moves in amazing ways through this trip. It is a time where the students see how the Lord is training them to use the very skills they have studied to spread the good news of the gospel. It is so beautiful to see how using dance and theatre can break down barriers and clearly shine a light on the beauty and power of the Lord. It opens the eyes to how very big and diverse the world is, yet how we are all the same in our need and hunger for the Lord.

– Aubri Siebert, Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre Arts

Recent Drama Trips

Dramatic arts have been used in missions for many years to engage local cultures and create opportunities for connection. Liberty University’s drama ministry teams are uniquely qualified to assist local ministries in presenting the Gospel through drama, in ways that overcome language barriers and strengthen relationships with the community.

We have sent teams to France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Northern Africa,  North Carolina, and Georgia. While there, our teams combined educational opportunities, service opportunities, and cultural engagement into daily activities, along with site seeing and experiencing the local culture.

Get Involved

Please contact LU Send or Professor Barry Gawinski at brgawinski@liberty.edu for more information.

Trip Highlights

Spain/North Africa


Melanie Ernst, Atlanta, GA

"The mission trip I had the opportunity to be part of gave me experience sharing the story of the Gospel in a unique theatrical way which crossed the boundaries of language and culture and spoke directly to souls. It gave me opportunity to see the technique I learned in the classroom come to fruition out in the field."

Rendel Kellum, Paris/Belgium

"My mind immediately went to the evening in France that we connected a large group of homeless Syrian refugees with a local Christian support center. We led them from their camp under a bridge through the metro and to the center, where we performed wordless dramas and led worship. I will never forget leading the song “Great Are You Lord” and hearing this group of men singing in Arabic and broken English, “all the earth will shout your praise- our hearts will cry, these bones will sing; great are you lord!” It sounded like a glimpse of heaven- where every nation, tribe, and tongue would declare the glory of the Lord!"

Brandon Alexander Shawl, Paris/Belgium

"I am not a light traveler, so deciding to give up my check bag to transport gifts and supplies to refugees was not an easy task for me at first. How was I going to fit everything I needed for almost 2 weeks in one carry on bag? That perspective was changed when I was able to empty a whole suitcase of toys to a refugee camp in France. These trips are about sacrifice, just like Jesus’s life was about."

Chad Nelson, Team Leader/LU Serve Director Atlanta, GA

"I’m neither trained in theatre nor a member of Liberty’s theatre department nor the School of Performing Arts. On this trip, it was amazing to witness the students and professors use their craft to minister to others. Through their craft, those to whom they ministered were uniquely and deeply engaged mentally and emotionally in biblical stories of salvation, redemption, faith, and much more. Conversations with others were also uniquely opened through this expression of ministry."

Dennis Hartman, Spain/North Africa, Colombia turned North Carolina, and Atlanta, GA

"The Theatre Department missions trips were integral in my spiritual journey as I learned how to lead and serve the body of Christ with my individual strengths and talents. The trips provide a beautiful outlet for honing our craft and putting into practice what we have learned in the classroom and production setting for the sole purpose of glorifying God and sharing the Gospel of Christ. These trips have lasting effects on both the team and the people we encountered as we partnered with local ministries to strengthen their connection and influence in their communities. The trips continue to prove the awesomeness of God, the importance of faith and humility, and the strength of storytelling."

Sarah Jirgal, Paris Belgium as student, Atlanta, GA Ministry Host as Salvation Army employee.

"I have been on the first two trips overseas Of this nature and have seen the fruit of that labor and what the Holy Spirit can do since then! It was incredible to watch God take the heart of willing students ready to serve and create and turn it into a message of his glory and goodness. Now I work at Salvation Army in Atlanta and connected the same team here, but got to be on the other side where I’ve watched the impact that these trips make long term. Praise God for Barry and his faithfulness to make disciples and spread the gospel with students who seek God’s kingdom come."

Judah Fox, Paris/Belgium

"One of the most impactful moments of my life is when we invited over a hundred refugees to a small church in Paris so we could share some stories with them. They were living under a bridge and it was snowing and below 20 degrees. But what astounded me, is that the promise of warmth and shelter just brought them to the church, but the story of how Jesus saved us is what kept them there. I don’t know if they fully understood what the Lord was doing in their lives, but good seeds were planted that night."

Laura Falcione, Bogota, Colombia turned North Carolina

"This was the highlight of my college experience. The unique thing about this program is that it's not just preparing you for one mission trip… it's training you for every trip and opportunity that might come after as well. The ministry didn't just start on the trip, it started the moment we had our first information meeting. I am so grateful for the students and professors who impacted my life during that period. Our leaders were very intentional about making the biggest impact we could in the short span of time we had. We attempted to use every single minute of that trip to further the gospel and encourage each other in Christ."

Abigail Hunt, Spain/North Africa

"Being a part of the theater missions trip team was one of the greatest blessings and it put me among other young people who loved God and we’re passionate about His mission. The Lord revealed himself to me in so many moments and I was able to grow so much in that season. It is one of the most valuable and cherished experiences of my life."

Kaley Hutter, Atlanta, GA

"Being a part of this missions trip brought a whole new perspective in what it means to glorify God with our creativity. It stripped away all the glamour factor of theatre and brought me back to what it really means to be a storyteller, and more importantly, what it means to use my gifts to spread God’s Word. It was a challenging week, yet the best one of the semester."

Kamilla Finetti, Spain/North Africa, and Bogota, Colombia turned North Carolina

"Sometimes, our Plan B is God’s Plan A. As simple as it may sound, we just have to trust Him. His way is always perfect. Psalm 18:30"

John Wagler, Team Leader/LU Send, Paris/Belgium 

"Yes, it's as incredible as you might imagine - standing at the center of a cathedral surrounded by a thousand years of history. But that's not where I saw God work. A public park alongside the local church, under a bridge serving the least of these, and sharing the gospel with the lost is where I've seen His hand and sensed His heart in a powerful way."

Nicole Campbell, Team Leader, Paris/Belgium 

"During our time in France, we had an opportunity to perform a short play for African women and children in a refugee center. A new mom sat in the front row; she was younger than most of our college students. I will never forget the look on her face while watching the students perform, it changed me. In that brief moment she was transported back in time, I could see the innocent child like joy in her. God always brings me back to that moment to celebrate the joy of the Lord and remember her journey, I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to take part in this amazing ministry!"

Adell Ehrhorn, Paris/Belgium

"While the LU theatre mission trips are incredible, all-inclusive experiences where you get to experience culture, serve others, and meet new people, I was forever changed by the communal solitude of being in a new place with a group of people. After going through an incredibly hard year, God brought me on my first trip to Europe and showed me that He remains by my side no matter where I go or what I do. He loves us recklessly."

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