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From Cattle Car to Crematorium

#29, Auschwitz Album Revisited
Oil Painting by Dr. Pat Mercer Hutchens

According to figures supplied in 1943 by the Central Construction office, four crematoria could incinerate 4,416 bodies within 24 hours; 1,440 bodies in crematoria II and II each and 768 bodies in crematoria IV and V each, while plans were made to build more crematoria!

“Only Jews from transports from various European countries were subject to immediate extermination in the gas chambers.” After being unloaded on one of the ramps, being separated by male and female, being pronounced, “not fit for work,” almost all Jews were immediately taken to be gassed and burned. There 438,000 Hungarian Jews (these two mothers and children were part of that ethnic cleansing) were slaughtered. Prisoners of war, anyone who disagreed with Hitler’s schemes, millions of Polish Christians, and prisoners of many nationalities died in Auschwitz, but Jews were almost always the first in line. Think on that while seeing these beautiful, innocent children.

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