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LU Alumna Attributes Her Studies at LU to the Inspiration Behind Her Book

Monday, July 10, 2023 | 10:20 AM

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Heather Preston (MA Theological Studies ’21) has recently published a book entitled Between the Lines: Discover what you’re missing in the biblical story of women of faith. She describes that her book “retells biblical stories in narrative form, and by using the tools of academia, brings hermeneutical meaning of Scripture to life”.  The book examines the stories of prominent women in the Bible such as Ruth, Abigail,  Rahab, Deborah, and Mary.

Heather attributes her time at Liberty University as a key factor in her inspiration and preparation to publish a book. Recalling one of her favorite memories as a student, Heather describes a conversation with her Apologetics professor in which he challenged her to apply her knowledge of “Systematic Theology in a mission-oriented way” as a turning point in her approach to her ministry. Heather was inspired to equip believers by taking her studies outside of the classroom as a form of ministry.

Since then, Heather has continued to feel the support of Liberty University as two professors from the John Rawlings School of Divinity, Dr. Wayne Poplin and Dr. Tim Chang have endorsed her new book. Dr. Wayne Poplin writes, “Heather Preston’s Between the Lines…is a powerful biblical study, featuring relevant application and probing reflective questions.” In addition to her new book, Heather also hosts a podcast called “Scripts on Scripture” to discuss biblical topics with a diverse array of Christian writers and pastors.

Heather is thankful for her studies at Liberty University as she notes that the examination of other cultures and beliefs in the classroom have equipped her to engage with others in an empathetic and humble manner. This perspective is evident in her work. Lastly, Heather encourages current students to allow God to reveal to them “blind spots” in their way of thinking. With a humble heart and open mind, Heather believes everyone is capable of growth by the grace of God.