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2016 Interior Design Alumna is Recognized as Detroit Design Awards’ Rising Star

Friday, June 9, 2023 | 2:27 PM

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Madison (Kauzlarich) Philip 16′ pictured at the Detroit Design Awards on June 5th, 2023 after accepting the Rising Star award.

Madison (Kauzlarich) Philip, a 2016 LU alumna with a B.S. in Interior Design and a minor in Business, and a former D1 soccer player for the Flames, has been awarded the prestigious honor of Detroit Design Awards’ Rising Star. We asked Madison a few questions about this accomplishment and her time at Liberty.

Below is the link to the online article from Detroit Design of Madison Philip’s story:

2023 DDA Rising Star: Shining Brightly – Detriot Design

Tell us about your recent accomplishment:

I’m incredibly humbled to share that I have been awarded Detroit Design’s Rising Star Award for 2023 this past week (June 5th). It’s very exciting receiving this esteemed accomplishment from my industry, and honored that my company and I will have this under our credentials now.”

Tell us your best memory while at Liberty:

“I was a part of Liberty’s women’s soccer team and made some incredible memories with my team. Getting the chance to play a sport I loved at the division 1 level, travel around the country with some of my closest friends (who I still keep in touch with today), and getting to do it all in an environment where Christ is glorified, was so cool. People find this crazy, but I still miss going to preseason in the summer for training. Besides soccer, I am so thankful that I had the chance to go to convocation at LU. The talent that they recruit to come speak and inspire their students, and the messages I heard, grew my faith and relationship with God. It’s something I will always cherish! I hope students today don’t take it for granted, as it is a once in a lifetime experience and something so cool to have the chance to go to.”

How did Liberty prepare you for life after graduation? 

“Cliche as it may sound, Liberty’s motto “Training Champions for Christ” did stick with me. I remember hearing that repeated all the time at events and convocation; that as Christians, we should strive to be the best we can be in our areas of influence for Christ, and I do think that the professors, coaches, & staff really instilled that in us as students. Not only do we want to use our work as a ministry, but we should be motivated to be the best that we can be in our fields.

Liberty also provided the environment for me to grow deeper in my faith. Looking back, those are very impressionable years that I had the chance to be surrounded by like-minded students and professors that spoke the truth; it was invaluable.”

Kitchen Design by Harmony. Image derived from Harmony’s Instagram at

How has God impacted your life after Liberty?

“He has continually made a way, as He always does! It has not been an easy road; the design field is a hard field to break into, and I’ve also had my share of discouragement and hardships throughout my career. But, I have seen God move and sustain me through those difficult times. My relationship with Him is the most important thing in my life, and I really want to glorify him with all that He has entrusted me with.”

What is one piece of advice you would give to current students and soon-to-be graduates? 

“Be bold in seeking opportunities and don’t be scared of failing. Like I mentioned, my industry was not easy getting into and I’m sure this is the case for many other fields that students will be entering into. I really had to learn how to be comfortable with rejection as I knocked on a lot of doors that didn’t open before any opportunities became available for me. But years later, that mindset is invaluable to how I run my company now as a business owner, and I am so thankful I learned that early on.”

Bunk Bed room design that Madison described as one of her “favorite parts” of a recent project.