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2001 Graduate Honored for Success in the U.S. Watch Industry

Tuesday, August 1, 2023 | 8:15 AM

More Alumni Spotlight articles
Paul Hoyt (’01) pictured for WatchPro magazine article

Paul Hoyt (B.S. Speech Communication ’01) has been named one of the 2023 “Hot 100” top influencers in the U.S. Watch Industry by WatchPRO Magazine. This distinctive honor recognizes Paul’s success as the founder and owner of his company, Connoisseur of Time. Currently, his company serves over 5,000 loyal clients in 70 countries and owns an impressive collection of valuable timepieces. These watches include those owned by notable celebrities and leaders such as Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, and King Edward VIII.

In light of his success, Paul gives much credit and appreciation to his team, past and present, at Connoisseur of Time, his loyal clients, and vendors. Paul expresses his gratitude for the opportunity to showcase the dedication and work of his team, stating that they have made the journey possible and worthwhile. Additionally, in response to being placed in the “Hot 100” top influencers in the U.S. Watch Industry, Paul states “I feel humbled and honored to be a part of such an esteemed group of people”.

Reflecting on his time at Liberty University, Paul’s fondest memories came from the friendships he made during his time as a student. He remembers the joyous adventures, formational habits, and memorable experiences he shared with his close friends. Paul encourages others to cherish the relationships around them as he attributes his personal growth and future success to the time he spent with his friends that inspired, challenged, and supported one another.

In addition to forming impactful friendships, Paul is also thankful for the leadership opportunities and confidence he gained while at Liberty. Paul had the privilege of serving as an RA for 2 years on his residence hall in which he learned leadership principles firsthand that he says have translated to the workplace. Skills such as conflict management, team evaluation, and the ability to motivate and appreciate others. These experiences gave him the confidence and skillset to apply in his career.

Since graduating from Liberty University, Paul shares how he has witnessed the faithfulness of God’s guiding hand in his life. Giving credit to God, Paul sees his business as an avenue to glorify the Lord and help others. Additionally, he is grateful for the opportunity to give generously through philanthropic efforts with his wife Brandi.

Overall, Paul hopes that his story will encourage others to embrace unexpected opportunities and the unending love of God to make a difference in the world. He encourages others to “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness” (Matt 6:33), sharing that internalizing the transformative truth that His love is boundless and unchanging, and His grace surrounds us like an ocean will guide one’s life to reach their God-given potential. Lastly, Paul advocates for living a life of service to others by adding value to others’ lives.