Monday, September 14, 2015

This article provides a link to a podcast done by Dr. Mark Foreman for

In the podcast, Dr. Foreman explains why abortion is wrong from a purely philosophical standpoint. Some may find this approach odd because he does use any specific religious references to make his case. This is not to say that Dr. Foreman does not believe a Christian case can be made against abortion, to believe this would be to misunderstand his purposes in this podcast. Too often in the abortion conversation, pro-choice proponents argue that those who hold to pro-life positions are doing so because of religious purposes and that religion has no place in public discourse. This charge against the pro-life position can stifle the conversation and keeps the real issues of abortion from being discussed. Thus, in this conversation, Dr. Foreman focuses on the philosophy of personhood and argues that when life forms at conception that specific human organism is also a human person.

To listen to this podcast, please click on the link below: