Review: Herman Dooyeweerd, Philosopher of State and Civil Society

As part of the student fellowship program at the Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement, we work with our student fellows to develop book reviews about significant books that overlap their interests with those of the Center. The following review of Jonathan Chaplin’s Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian Philosopher of State and Civil Society is part of […]

10 months ago

10 months ago | Read More

Christ-Exalting Christian Education: An Interview with Duane Litfin

As part of the first issue of Volume 4 of Faith and the Academy, Duane Litfin took some time to have a conversation with Dr. Benjamin K. Forrest, our managing editor. Litfin holds doctorates from Purdue University (Rhetorical Studies) and Oxford University (New Testament). After two decades as a professor and pastor, Dr. Litfin served […]

2 years ago

2 years ago | Read More

The Church Loved My Daughter to Jesus

By Scott Slayton Recently, one of my daughters came to faith in Jesus. She started talking to us and asking questions while driving home from our community groups on Sunday nights. As most conversations about the gospel tend to go, we talked about the character of God, sin, Jesus’s death and resurrection, faith, hope, repentance, […]

5 years ago

5 years ago | Read More

Why Millennials ARE Coming to Church

There have been plenty of articles about why Millennials—those twenty somethings—are not coming to church.  Plenty of time and attention towards what would bring them back. Well, in our church at the moment plenty of Millennials ARE coming.  It’s been noted by  the older crowd that they’re starting to get outnumbered by that particular cohort […]

6 years ago

6 years ago | Read More