Sola Scriptura: Implications For Christian Scholarship And Integration

By John Woodbridge The Protestant Reformers Martin Luther (1483- 1546), John Calvin (1509-1564) and their evangelical colleagues taught that Holy Scripture should play a determinative role in any form of education.1 As advocates of sola scriptura, Luther and Calvin firmly believed the Bible inspired by the Holy Spirit reveals divine, fully trust-worthy doctrine and teachings about who […]

7 years ago

7 years ago | Read More

Worship: Shaper of Society? OR Shaped by Society?

By Paul Rumrill and Tad Hardin Is the “spirit and truth” worship – worship that Jesus commends in John 4 – completely separate from today’s culture? What makes worship authentic in the Christian faith and daily life? Mankind is a worshipping creature.1 We operate poorly as individual entities, but marvelously in union with another, and best […]

7 years ago

7 years ago | Read More

From South Bend to Lynchburg

By Mark Allen If someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in their Protestantism, I have more: born again in the eighth grade and baptized by immersion; of the people of the Fundamentalists; of the tribe of Independent Baptists; an ordained Baptist preacher of ordained Baptist preachers; in regards to the Bible, a […]

7 years ago

7 years ago | Read More

When “gospel” meets “kingdom”

By Colton Allen The gospel should never be reduced to simply a message of personal salvation. Doing so leaves us with a malnourished understanding of the gospel. It is much more than a message of personal salvation, but this is not to say that personal salvation is not an important part of the gospel. Instead, […]

8 years ago

8 years ago | Read More

The Pastor Theologian for Today’s Culture

By Dr. Todd Wilson I’d like to begin this talk on the theme of the pastor theologian for today’s culture, with an observation about pastors in general in today’s culture: Pastors, by and large, don’t know who they are, or what they’re supposed to be doing. Pastors across the country are experiencing a crisis of […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More


By Dr. Emily Heady Celebrated on August 6, the Feast of the Transfiguration commemorates the vivid, but baffling, passage in which Jesus ascends Mt. Tabor to pray, taking along his closest friends and disciples—Peter, James, and John. Jesus’ Transfiguration, a shift in His shape or form, occurs there, as His clothing becomes dazzling white and […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More