Review: Herman Dooyeweerd, Philosopher of State and Civil Society

As part of the student fellowship program at the Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement, we work with our student fellows to develop book reviews about significant books that overlap their interests with those of the Center. The following review of Jonathan Chaplin’s Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian Philosopher of State and Civil Society is part of […]

9 months ago

9 months ago | Read More

A Christian View of Government

by Dr. Gai Ferdon and Zane Richer Every article should have at least one idea in it. The one idea in this article is simply that a Christian view of the state is possible. And it is a wondrous development in the history of Western thought that this idea presently wants for proof not among […]

2 years ago

2 years ago | Read More

The City of God and the City of Man

by Dr. Mark D. Allen The unimaginable happened. It was dream crushing. They had placed their hope in the grand wedding between the Empire and Christianity. This marriage of imperial power and a transcendent God captured the imaginations of those who imbibed the lure of its unlimited potential for peace, prosperity, and triumph. According to […]

2 years ago

2 years ago | Read More

The Political Use of The Bible During the Protestant Reformation

By Gai Ferdon The European continental Reformation (1400s-1500s) is known for producing an array of theological scholars whose writings attempted to either reform Roman Catholic institutions or replace them.1 Protestant Reformers, armed with vernacular translations of the Scriptures and a new approach to biblical interpretation, strategically attacked significant doctrinal assumptions critical to the Church’s authority as […]

7 years ago

7 years ago | Read More

ACE Journal: Historical Perspectives of Christian, Political Engagement

By Carey Roberts The history of political and cultural engagement of American Christians is a long and widely varying story following no clear path over the four centuries of living in North America; and, while we have successfully transformed local communities in profound ways, we often find that success has come at a steep price. […]

8 years ago

8 years ago | Read More