Engaging Christmas – What Are We Missing?

By Dr. Emily Heady The excesses of Black Friday and the frenzy of the holiday shopping season have in recent years prompted a culture-wide dialogue about what, if anything, the spirit of commercialism and the spirit of Christmas have to do with one another. Voices are loud on both sides of the debate, and they […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More

Center for Apologetics & Cultural Engagement names new fellows

Liberty University’s Center for Apologetics & Cultural Engagement has named four new senior fellows, as well as six student fellows, who will assume their roles during the Spring 2016 semester. Read the full Liberty News Service article.

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More

Excellence, the Gospel, and Cultural Engagement

By Dr. Joshua Chatraw I. Two Types of Excellence Christians are called to excellence in every sphere of life. In some ways, this excellence serves as a foundation for healthy cultural engagement. It can provide both credibility and presence in the various spheres of culture. And yet, my fear is that “seeking excellence” too often […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More

Broadway Playwright Inspires Students at Faith & Arts Symposium

Our School’s various disciplines are blessed with wonderfully creative and strategically placed Christians whose testimonies are enhanced by their professionalism,” Mintle said. “Chris Smith is a perfect example. His work on the Broadway musical ‘Amazing Grace’ is proof positive that Christians can truly impact our culture with wholesome, meaningful, and truth-filled entertainment that also glorifies […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More

A Letter to My Students the Day after the Paris Terror Attacks

By Dr. Joshua Chatraw As I write this, less then 24 hours after the ISIS terrorist attacks in Paris, I am still processing the events. In the aftermath of this shocking evil, many of you are no doubt also still processing. The ocean standing between France and us makes no difference; our attention has been […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More

Five Questions with Author Karen Swallow Prior

By Dr. Karen Swallow Prior When Karen Swallow Prior was a child, church wasn’t a place that she associated with belonging, even though she was immersed in Christian culture. Books, on the other hand, were her refuge, a place where she came alive, an escape from the boredom of serving God. Karen eventually drifted from […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More

Q+A: Talking to Jeb Bush About Religious Freedom at Liberty

By Dr. Karen Swallow Prior The following is an excerpt from the interview Dr. Prior had with Jeb Bush: Here is the conversation we had while riding across the city whose landscape bears the imprint of Jerry Falwell’s conservative political legacy. Once we arrive at the airport, he offers me a fist bump, and he’s […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More

Gay Marriage, Abortion, and the Bigger Picture

By Dr. Karen Swallow Prior In 1973, the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton rulings, together legalizing abortion in all 50 states, took everyone by surprise. Forty-two years later, the court’s legalization of gay marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges surprised almost no one. Both cases mark historic “losses” for American evangelicals. Minutes […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More

Why Every Woman Should Know Her Prompt

By Dr. Karen Swallow Prior “Write about being a woman,” she said. So I will. It means something, this being a woman. It is something bodily, yet beyond biology. There is something of earth in it, and something heavenly, too. It is something that can be understood, yet is not easily captured in words. It […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More

What Isn’t Discussed in Violent Shootings

By Dr. Linda Mintle Like most of you, I was shaken by the horrific events of this past week: the senseless shooting of two TV journalists happened in my backyard. Those reporters worked at one of the TV stations in my viewing area and not too far from the massacre at Virginia Tech. Today, my […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More