Review: Suffering Wisely and Well

As part of the student fellowship program at the Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement, we work with our student fellows to develop book reviews about significant books that overlap their interests with those of the Center. The following review of Eric Ortlund’s Suffering Wisely and Well is part of that ongoing initiative. As followers […]

9 months ago

9 months ago | Read More

Review: Herman Dooyeweerd, Philosopher of State and Civil Society

As part of the student fellowship program at the Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement, we work with our student fellows to develop book reviews about significant books that overlap their interests with those of the Center. The following review of Jonathan Chaplin’s Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian Philosopher of State and Civil Society is part of […]

9 months ago

9 months ago | Read More

Review: Disability and the Gospel

As part of the student fellowship program at the Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement, we work with our student fellows to develop book reviews about significant books that overlap their interests with those of the Center. The following review of Michael S. Beates’s Disability and the Gospel is part of that ongoing initiative. Throughout […]

10 months ago

10 months ago | Read More

Review: A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War

As part of the student fellowship program at the Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement, we work with our student fellows to develop book reviews about significant books that overlap their interests with those of the Center. The following review of Joseph Loconte’s A Hobbit, A Wardrobe, and a Great War is part of that […]

10 months ago

10 months ago | Read More

The Confessions of an Ambitious Leader

Tomorrow you have a job interview. A friend mentions casually that she has heard that your potential new supervisor is ambitious. You begin to wonder to yourself, “What does that mean? Does he have a big ego? Is he after money? Power? Recognition? Will he step on me like a rung on a ladder to […]

1 year ago

1 year ago | Read More

The Value of Affliction

by Emily Page The Old Testament shows us what it looks like to walk with God. It is challenging, filled with highs and lows and sometimes long stretches of seeming silence. So often during these silences, God’s people face intense pain—inflicted by others, inflicted by themselves, and sometimes inflicted by nothing at all. The danger […]

2 years ago

2 years ago | Read More

Identity and Story: A Case Study in Jane Eyre and Charles Taylor

By Dr. Karen Swallow Prior Since I was a very little girl, I have lost myself in books.1 I’ve found myself in them, too. In fact, I wrote an entire book about the books that shaped my soul and formed my identity, Booked: Literature in the Soul of Me. The book that was most formative in my life […]

7 years ago

7 years ago | Read More

Are We More than Our Genes?: Putting Together the Story of Identity

By Dr. Gary Isaacs When I was growing up as a preacher’s kid in the small town of Lincoln, Delaware, it was my weekly duty to hold the door for people arriving at church each Sunday morning. Amidst the typical greetings, I would invariably hear a comment from an appreciative, elderly individual stating that I […]

7 years ago

7 years ago | Read More

The Plight of New Atheism: A Critique

By Dr. Gary Habermas Contemporary trends, both popular and scholarly, have had a significant impact on religious issues over recent decades. There was the New Age Movement. Overlapping with that and extending far past it is Postmodernism. Now the New Atheism is in full bloom. Although the overall percentages are fairly small, some polls tell […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More

“Resurrection Claims in Non-Christian Religions”

By Dr. Gary Habermas “While Christian beliefs are presumably much more widely known, especially in the Western world, some adherents to the major non-Christian religions also make claims that some of their historical rabbis, prophets, gurus or ‘messiahs’ rose from the dead. Judging from the relevant religious literature, it appears that such non-Christian claims are […]

9 years ago

9 years ago | Read More