
Dr. William Wegert’s passion for Liberty University’s global student community has made a lasting difference in the department and countless lives through the years. Students from across the globe have attended Liberty because of his dedication and faithful ministry, and those students now serve as global ambassadors to their home countries and beyond. <\/font><\/p>\r\n\r\n

As an advocate for Liberty’s international students for 35 years, Dr. Wegert has traveled to a variety of countries recruiting and representing the university. He has brought close to 1,000 international students from more than 80 countries to campus during his time as dean of International Student Programs. With international alumni all around the world, his department has seen these students obtain prestigious jobs and impact the world for Christ — all because he took an active role in their college years.<\/font><\/p>\r\n\r\n

Dr. Wegert has developed a special place for international students on Liberty’s campus. He created the famous Parade of Nations and Taste of Nations events. He has also been instrumental in building up the C. Daniel Kim International Student Center (ISC), which provides a “home away from home” where international students can be cared for and welcomed.<\/font><\/p>\r\n\r\n

Many times, Dr. Wegert has been heard saying, “I have never had a bad day working at Liberty University.” <\/font><\/p>\r\n\r\n

Regardless of what the day brings, Dr. Wegert puts his love for Christ and the global community above all else. He is a constant example to his peers and students and truly reflects what it means to be a Champion for Christ<\/em>.<\/font><\/p>","THUMBPATH":"\/media\/1414\/microsites\/wethechampions\/images\/people\/WilliamWegert.jpg","FEATURED":0,"TITLE":"Living Life with a Global Mindset","LINK":"","CID":37,"BUTTONTEXT":"Read Dr. Wegert's Champion Story","EDITDATE":"September, 24 2019 10:45:24","TAGLINE":"Dr. William Wegert | Dean, International Student Programs | Champion Award Winner"}]}