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Grading Rubrics

A rubric is a systematic scoring guideline to evaluate studentsÂ' performance through the use of a detailed description of performance standards. Rubrics are typically employed when a judgment of quality is required. Grading rubrics can be used to evaluate a broad range of subjects and activities (including papers, speeches, problem solutions, portfolios, essays, and any other subjective task). Typically, rubrics specify the performance expected for several levels of quality. These levels of quality may be ratings (e.g., Excellent, Good, Needs Improvement) or numerical scores (e.g., 4, 3, 2, 1) which are then utilized to determine an alphanumeric grade (e.g., A, B, C, etc). Rubrics provide an objective and consistent way to assess subjective tasks, indicate what is expected, and highlight how performance will be evaluated. Whether a scoring rubric is an appropriate evaluation technique is dependent upon the purpose of the assessment.

Advantages of Implementing Grading Rubrics:

The advantages of grading rubrics can be broken down into three broad categories: improving student learning, facilitating communication between teacher and students, and enhancing academic quality.

Student Learning Communication Academic Quality

Assists students' ability to judge and revise their own work before handing in their assignments

Helps students understand the teachers' definition of "quality"

Leads to insight concerning the effectiveness of instruction

Descriptions assist the students in understanding why they received the score that they did and what they need to do to improve their future performances

Reduces the subjectivity involved in evaluating qualitative work

Identifies benchmarks against which progress will be measured and documented

Prepares students for the world of work by making the connection between real, authentic tasks and their evaluation

Allows instructors to provide more detailed feedback to individual students

Instructors are able to grade according to customized descriptive criteria that reflect the intention of a specific assignment and won't change according to the hour of night or the amount of effort a particular student is suspected of expending

When students are made aware of the rubrics prior to instruction and assessment, they

know the level of performance expected and they are more motivated to reach those


Allows instructors to detail comments on one or two elements and simply indicate ratings on others

Establishes academic "ground rules" to resolve potential academic disputes

Promotes student self-assessment of their own learning and


Having received the criteria with an assignment, students are able to write toward specific goals

Saves on grading time so adequate time is available for all instructional activities

When students are involved in rubric construction, the assignment itself becomes

more meaningful to the students

Clarifies the meaning of subjective grading comments

Ensures that all instructors are measuring work by the same standards

Students can see at a glance the strengths and weaknesses of their work

Ensures that students are aware of goals and expectations of performance on assignments

Promotes the effective connection between assessments and course objectives

Provides a mean by which students can meaningfully reflect on past feedback to improve cumulative performance

Encourages the clarification of criteria for quality work

Ensures consistency of scores across all students

Types of Grading Rubrics

When creating grading rubrics, one must select the type of grading scale from which to base the rubric. The three main grading scales are:

  • Criterion-referenced - performance levels based independently on preset criteria
  • Norm-referenced - performance levels based on comparative ranking in the class
  • Self-referenced - performance levels based on individual student expectation

Generally, a criterion-reference scale is preferred as it reduces student competition and provides a consistent baseline of expected performance.

Several different types of grading rubrics may be used; the selection of the rubric is based on the purpose of the evaluation. The following table describes the differences between analytic and holistic rubrics and between task specific and general rubrics.

Type of Rubric Description Advantages Disadvantages Special Purpose


provides a single score based on an overall impression of a student's performance on a task

quick scoring

provides overview of student achievement

allows effective scoring of overlapping components

supports broader judgments concerning the quality of the process or the product

does not provide detailed information

may be difficult to provide one overall score

measuring the writing process with a set of relevant guidelines, emphasizing organization, expression of ideas and use of language

a quick snapshot of achievement

a single dimension is adequate to define quality


provides specific feedback along several dimensions

more detailed feedback

scoring more consistent across students

allows for the separate evaluation of various factors

separate criterion can be scored on different descriptive scales

time consuming to score

performance data that is used in planning for improved instruction as well as communication with students

identifying relative strengths and weaknesses

providing detailed feedback

assessing complicated skills or performance

students self-assessment of their understanding or performance


contains criteria that are general across tasks

can use the same rubric across different tasks

effectively assesses a broad category of tasks

feedback may not be specific enough

assessment of reasoning, skills and products

projects in which students are not doing exactly the same task

Task Specific

contains criteria that are unique to a specific task

more reliable assessment of performance on the task

effective for measuring the acquisition of knowledge or skills

difficult to construct rubrics for all specific tasks

assessing knowledge

consistency of scoring

Steps in Rubric Development

  • Identify important criteria based on learning objectives
  • Determine whether criteria are best assessed through holistic or analytical scoring rubrics
    • If an analytic scoring rubric is created, then each criterion is considered separately and separate descriptive scoring schemes are created for each evaluation factor.
    • For holistic scoring rubrics, the collection of criteria is considered throughout the construction of each level of the scoring rubric and the result is a single descriptive scoring scheme.
  • Weigh criteria based on their relative importance
  • Describe levels of success, proficient performance or performance expectations
    • This includes a determination of the number of scoring levels that are adequate for differentiating between various student performance.
  • Create a grid or table reflecting criteria and levels of performance.

Tips for Rubric Development

  • Utilize a criterion-referenced rubric that provides specific criteria for acceptable performance
  • Criteria and scoring should be meaningful, clear, and concise
  • Be sure that the rubric clearly and directly relates to learning outcomes
  • Keep it short and simple using brief statements and phrases
  • Students must be fully aware of the content and meaning of the grading rubric
  • Each rubric item should focus on a different skill or knowledge area
  • Include evaluations of both the product and process of learning
  • Focus on how students develop and express their learning
  • Evaluate only measurable criteria
  • Ideally, the entire rubric should fit on one sheet of paper
  • Reevaluate the rubric to ensure it provides useful information to both instructor and student
  • Limit the number of criteria included in the rubric (ten ranked items is usually the upper limit)
  • Criteria should be specific and descriptive (avoid vague descriptions like "clear," "organized," and "interesting")
  • Include a range of performance levels with a descriptive meaning of the required performance for each level
  • Each score category should be defined using descriptions of the work rather then subjective judgments
  • Include space for comments either within or at the conclusion of the rubric
  • It is better to have a few meaningful score categories then to have many score categories that are difficult or impossible to distinguish

Checklist for Effective Rubrics:


Does the rubric relate to the outcome(s) being measured?


If the assessment is to address critical thinking skills, does the rubric reflect that?


Does it cover important dimensions of student performance?


Do the criteria reflect current conceptions of excellence in the field?


Does the rubric reflect what you emphasize in your teaching?


Does the highest scale point represent a truly exemplary performance or product?


Are the dimensions or scales well-defined?


Is it clear to everyone what each scale measures?


Is there a clear basis for assigning scores at each scale point?


Is it clear exactly what a student needs to do to get a score at each scale point?


Can you easily differentiate between scale points?


Is the rubric fair and free from bias?


Does the rubric reward or penalize students based on skills unrelated to the outcome being measured?


Have all students had an equal opportunity to learn the content and skills addressed in the rubric?


Is the rubric appropriate for the conditions under which the task was completed?


Is the rubric useful, feasible, manageable and practical?


Will it provide the kind of information you need and can use effectively?


Does the rubric have a reasonable number of scales and score points?

Resource Links


Questions concerning the Park University Faculty Development: Quick Tips website should be directed to Dr. Jean Mandernach

Reference citation:

Mandernach, B. J. (2003). insert appropriate page title. Retrieved insert date, from Park University Faculty Development Quick Tips.

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